Anyone heard of Midway Marine in Indonesia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Feb 7, 2023
They have a website and I was able to place the order and they sent a reply with an invoice. Attached is the invoice. The hinky part is for over a certain amount they want a wire transfer instead of a credit card. I don't mind doing wire transfers as long as I know who I'm dealing with. Just checking if anyone has heard of them.

Company name and address
MAXWAY MARINE, INC. Margomulyo Pergudangan Antropolis 46 I No.14, Surabaya 60183, Indonesia
Website: MAXWAY MARINE, INC. | Email: | Phone: 031-7495445

New Fischer Panda 8 Mini Digital Panel AC 1 US $9,150.00
Marine Generator 60 Hz


  • PROFORMA INVOICE #2047.pdf
    762.3 KB · Views: 47
I never deal with Chinese or Indonesian mail order or computer based suppliers. The quality is lousy and shipping time takes months.

I don't see them listed as an authorized dealer on the Fischer-Panda website.
That's all I know
I don't see them listed as an authorized dealer on the Fischer-Panda website.
That's all I know

I contacted Fischer as well and they said it was a scam. They're actually trying to get some money back from a customer as well. I mean you look at the website, email I got and the invoice and they look very professional (unlike my uncle's emails from Nigeria). The red flag was no credit card processing on their web site, no address and no phone number.
good evening, sorry for my English, the site is a scam and I lost money. Definitely well made but I can guarantee that ka nerce will never arrive!
I also reported everything to the Indonesian Embassy in my country.
forget it

They have a website and I was able to place the order and they sent a reply with an invoice. Attached is the invoice. The hinky part is for over a certain amount they want a wire transfer instead of a credit card. I don't mind doing wire transfers as long as I know who I'm dealing with. Just checking if anyone has heard of them.

Company name and address
MAXWAY MARINE, INC. Margomulyo Pergudangan Antropolis 46 I No.14, Surabaya 60183, Indonesia
Website: MAXWAY MARINE, INC. | Email: | Phone: 031-7495445

New Fischer Panda 8 Mini Digital Panel AC 1 US $9,150.00
Marine Generator 60 Hz
Seriously! Why would anyone consider doing business with someone in Indonesia for a BIG ticket item or any item that only accepts wire transfers!
These guys pop up from time to time on threads on the CruisersForum, and I would bet here previously as well. I feel really bad for any of you who fell for these guys. Do your due diligence.
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