San Francisco Boat Show Postponed

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Apr 15, 2008
California Delta
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Vessel Make
1977 Marshall Californian 34 LRC
The SFO Boat Show was scheduled for this weekend at McCovey Cove but has been postponed until April 29-May 1 due to rains! :socool: :facepalm: I find it hard to believe that the 1.33 inches of rain SF received in the first week of 2016 has caused the postponement. The rain season to date (since July) sits at 74% for the city on the bay.

Does anyone know the story behind the story? Maybe the event planner got caught unprepared or under-supported by the industry? I'd sure love to know the truth.

San Francisco Boat Show delayed to April | Boating Industry
But we can (and many of us do) boat year round here in NorCal. Granted, there's lots to distract one from boating anytime of year.
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