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STEEL Passagemaker! Looking for 50'-60" PH with Fly

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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We were in China seven years ago, can't believe it was that long ago, seems like yesterday... Anyway, we were at a boat yard and there was a ship yard next to it building and/or refurbishing small ships. Two Gardner 8LXBs had been delivered to the ship yard waiting to be installed, I assume in the same ship. The Gardners were mechanical artwork. :dance:

Somehow the ship yard was getting Chinese rebuilt Gardners or getting them from Gardner. One of the boats we were looking at was installing a 6LXB.

I wish we could build and use a Gardner engine but we can't import it back into the US due to EPA emission regulations.

Somehow the ship yard was getting Chinese rebuilt Gardners or getting them from Gardner. One of the boats we were looking at was installing a 6LXB.

Hong Kong had lots of Gardner powered busses
Have a look at Australia. A series of boats that come up now and again are the Fiddler series. They are about 55 ft Gardner powered (6LXB) a bit boxy looking but roomy, good back deck and fuel efficient.

I could easily see myself in one at the right price


Wow, what a vessel. I promise, if I win the $80Aus million Powerball tonight, I'll buy me one..! :thumb:
Hong Kong had lots of Gardner powered busses.

At one stage nearly every junk in Hong Kong and every boat on the Nile were powered by Gardners.
Still the best and most reliable marine engine ever built.
" I told my wife we should just change our plans and cruise Europe instead. I love the boats in used inventory over there. "

Good concept , steel is loved in Euroland so there will be many options that wont be overpriced..

The only hassle would be if you bring the boat to the US with our different US electrical system.

Easily handled (tho expensive) with the proper transformer , which is a good idea anyway to solve dock electrics when cruising.

Good hunting,,some large US bookstores carry euro boating magazines , would be an easy start to locate brokers in various countries to see if what you want exists.
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Hong Kong had lots of Gardner powered busses

I did not think of that and it makes perfect sense. I wonder if there are a bunch of Gardner engines in India.

We always wondered were the two engines came from but I don't think we will ever know. It would not surprise me if China has their own source of parts for Gardner engines.

Wow, what a vessel. I promise, if I win the $80Aus million Powerball tonight, I'll buy me one..! :thumb:

Didn't win anything worth mentioning. Don't know why I try even. Oh dear, how sad, never mind...it's still fun to dream... :)
I did not think of that and it makes perfect sense. I wonder if there are a bunch of Gardner engines in India.

We always wondered were the two engines came from but I don't think we will ever know. It would not surprise me if China has their own source of parts for Gardner engines.

When I was living in India (Mumbai - Bombay) I visited shipyards and fishing boat builders, and never came across Gardners during discussions. The engine of choice there was the Leyland and it is an excellent engine.

Any Cummins that I came across were local conversions and they usually did a poor job of it. Because of the border/political disputes with China, there wasn't a real market for importing from DCEC or CCEC.

Sometimes I saw Weichai diesels, which are very good engines. If you're living and cruise in Scandinavia or West/North Europe that would also be an excellent choice since Abato has excellent support.
Looking for trawler

I know of a boat that might be for sale. Located in Seattle area. 50-feet, steel, flying bridge, single engine, hydraulic steering, stabilization, anchor, heating and cooling, water maker. Let me know if you are interested.
I know of a boat that might be for sale. Located in Seattle area. 50-feet, steel, flying bridge, single engine, hydraulic steering, stabilization, anchor, heating and cooling, water maker. Let me know if you are interested.
PM sent.
Judy, you know you can edit your post, right? Even delete it if you want.
You only get a couple of hours after posting to do that. But,a Mod could help, at any time.
Judy, you know you can edit your post, right? Even delete it if you want.

You only get a couple of hours after posting to do that. But,a Mod could help, at any time.
Yes, as said above. If you run out of time to edit, just report your own post, with a reason, and a moderator can either do a small requested edit, or if a more detailed one needed, temporarily return edit function to you. :)
We always wondered were the two engines came from but I don't think we will ever know. It would not surprise me if China has their own source of parts for Gardner engines.

If you join the Gardner Diesel Engine site on the Book of Faces you can easily find out what year your engine was built and most likely where it was delivered to. Just ask the question and submit your engine numbers. The place is a wealth of information.
Thanks for the help. Fortunately I've never needed to delete a post, so I was in uncharted waters. And thanks to the gentlemanly nature of this forum, I got helpful suggestions instead of blasts. Much appreciated.
The only hassle would be if you bring the boat to the US with our different US electrical system.

Easily handled (tho expensive) with the proper transformer , which is a good idea anyway to solve dock electrics when cruising.

Professionally planned and executed, this is actually not much of a problem even without a dedicated transformer, but should certainly be budgeted for. Very high quality equipment is available for this purpose, like Mastervolt and Victron.

We just did it, and now have an AC system that will swallow anything from 90-265 V, 50/60 Hz coming in from shore worldwide.
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