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For Sale: Sold-Rosborough RF246

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Nov 27, 2016
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2003 Rosborough RF246
2003 HSV hardtop
2017 Evinrude ETEC G2 300hp (8 year warranty)
2008 Road King Galvanized trailer
Full width motor extension bracket/swim platform
11,000 btu roof air with heat strip
Cockpit enclosure canvas
Flush toilet
Lenco trim tabs
Microwave and frig
Garmin 545s
VHF radio
Documented vessel
Located at Jacksonville Naval Air Station Florida
Delivery available
Call Jim Tidwell 904-708-4510


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Very nice setup! GLWS. Hope someone can put pics back on even keel.. Lot of boat and a nice ETEC on the back.
My neck hurts. A few suggestions

1) Camera doesn't need to be turned sideways for pics.
2) Pics can be re-oriented on the PC before uploading.

Honestly, nobody looks at sideways pics.
your Rosborough

I read somewhere that a Rossy with a factory motor bracket was only good for a 200 HP motor Is yours a custom install and what is it rated at ?
How many Hrs. are on the motor. Was the cockpit top factory installed ?
2003 Rosborough RF246 HSV Hardtop

Sorry about the sideways photos. I can't figure out how to rotate them. I will reshoot and replace them.
This is a full width Armstrong bracket installed at the factory.
It has three storage ports
It came with twin 115's (1000 pounds)
The Evinrude is only 560 pounds
Maximum horsepower rating for the hull is 300HP
The factory is marketing the new hulls with a single 200
You'll see these boats powered in many ways, including inboard diesels.
There are pros and cons with all of them.
Cockpit hardtop is factory installed
Motor has 25 hours on it
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huh....I downloaded a few of the photos.....rotated them....and re-uploaded them....and they were still sideways....weird....
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Why did you choose an ETEC outboard?

I rather like E-Tec outboard engines. They seem to have the best of both the two cycle world- twice as many combustion pulses per revolution leading to better low end torque and maybe more hp per liter, and the no gas mixing and better emissions of the 4 cycle world.

I was afraid that the E-Tecs would have poorer fuel consumption than the modern 4 cycles. But if you read my thread on fuel consumption they seem to use about the same fuel as modern 4 strokes.

Engine life which is a real plus to the 4 cycle engines is an open question though.

Engine life being an open question raises the question “what could go wrong w them”? Rings of course could go south causing hard starting and less power but most most roads to end of the road will probably be crankcase seals and reed valves. Or probably not an end of the road thing but causing lots of down the road trouble may be electrical or even electronic issues. But if one didn’t burn it up or run into the mother of all rocks they would basically last forever.

They used to run Merc Mark 58a’s year after year on log pond boats here in Puget Sound. And I belive after the engine (possibly long after) the engine was no longer being made they were still running them. In the winter they’d work them over in the shopbut from what I’ve heard it usually didn’t amount to much. But they were obviously cheaper to fix than replace as they did this for decades. FYI the Mark58 became the 4cyl 50hp Merc that was availible for years.

I had a 40hp E-tech for several years on a skiff in Alaska. Steering by tiller. My only problem w the E was the tiller steering. All was well if the shore/beach was to port. But my neck got sore on a long run w the beach on the right.
The 40hp engine had a big prop and low gear ratio. One of the main reasons I bought the E-tech. This produced a lot of torque. Running solo I’d almost need to hike out like on a sailboat to run level. Too much torque. That’s probably why most all outboards have not much more than 2-1 gears and the resulting small props. Counter rotating props would be a fix but definitely more money and weight.
But overall my E-tech was great.-
I did a lot of research before I repowered.
I bought the latest technology in outboards
8 year transferable warranty
5 year 500 hour service interval
no oil changes
winterize from the helm
electronic shift and throttle
less weight
clean rigging (see attached photo)
auto trim
100 fewer parts than a 4 stroke engine
improved fuel economy vs the twin 115 Suzuki's


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Jim, could you tell us a bit about what performance and fuel efficiency you are getting out of that G2?
Beautiful Rosborough! I like the Etec too! "No oil changes". 3 great words!
I did a lot of research before I repowered.
I bought the latest technology in outboards
8 year transferable warranty
5 year 500 hour service interval
no oil changes

winterize from the helm
electronic shift and throttle
less weight
clean rigging (see attached photo)
auto trim
100 fewer parts than a 4 stroke engine
improved fuel economy vs the twin 115 Suzuki's

That is impressive. One of the issues I have with considering the TT35 for a Great Loop boat is the oil changes and service interval on the Suzuki 60 hp engines. I see the E-TEC 60 hp has a 300 hour service interval but that is still darn good.

Hi Jim
I was looking at your sideways boat and wondering if you E-mailed them to me if she would right herself?
Looks to be a real nice boat
Are you the original owner?
If not, how long have you own her?
And the last question everybody seems to ask is "why are you selling her"
This Rosborough is sold
I'm not surprised. That looked like a great deal.
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