US Couple in Caribbean feared dead

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This tragedy will be repeated time and again on the unwary or those who accept risk to a further extent than practical. I've lost way too many friends and workmates around the world who ventured into easily avoidable situations. Tis the nature of man to assume safety exists while in the midst of those who believe just the opposite.

I would change that first sentence to, "This tragedy will be repeated time and again on the unwary, those who choose to ignore reality, or those who accept risk to a further extent than practical."

CF is full of personal safety discussions where people just ignore reality. They see the world how they want it to be instead of how it is.
Yup, ya pays your money and takes your chances. Off lower Mexico, 2am and an unmarked patrol boat circles us. Cud just as easily used us as target practice. In Nicaragua a Colonel takes me off the boat. Cudda been a trip to prison but turned out he liked cruisers and actually helped us clear San Juan del Sur. After 2 years of cruising Central America, we finally had thieves board us back in Long Beach, Calif. Life is not risk free if you really want to enjoy it. BUT, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you get that funny feeling, listen to it. It may save your life!
Yup, ya pays your money and takes your chances. Off lower Mexico, 2am and an unmarked patrol boat circles us. Cud just as easily used us as target practice. In Nicaragua a Colonel takes me off the boat. Cudda been a trip to prison but turned out he liked cruisers and actually helped us clear San Juan del Sur. After 2 years of cruising Central America, we finally had thieves board us back in Long Beach, Calif. Life is not risk free if you really want to enjoy it. BUT, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you get that funny feeling, listen to it. It may save your life!

This is the reality I’ve been trying to point out. Wherever you are you are at some risk. There are places where the risk is unacceptable and it’s not if but when. Don’t go there. Others where the risk is low but it’s never absence. You should be conscious of that and do what you can to mitigate risk always. My events involving property crime and street crime have all occurred in the US. That isn’t to say risk is not higher in other countries. Find prior allusion in earlier post that I suggested it was is ridiculous. I have been posting here in hopes people become more street smart. It would be to my benefit as if boaters were viewed as less easy pickings. Want us to be not be thought of as easy marks.

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