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    • Spike
      I think it depends on how you use the boat. Some run the gen anytime not on shore power. We typically only run it in the morning to top...
    • Spike
      Spike replied to the thread DD 6-71 ti air in fuel system.
      So it was something simple and not related to the repair. The racor lid had some flaking paint which I didn't think much about. Attached...
      • IMG_9135.JPEG
    • Spike
      Spike replied to the thread DD 6-71 ti air in fuel system.
      The manifold is set up so whatever tank is selected the fuel returns to the same tank. I guess it's a KISS system. I've thought about a...
    • Spike
      I have Covington Marine DD 6/71 ti's. Last summer I had a fuel/gear oil cooler fail and ordered 2 since I figured the other one would be...
    • Spike
      Spike replied to the thread 1986 Constellation 50.
      I have a 1986 460 that we purchased in 2013. It came with manuals for every major system but no actual owners manual. I also have...
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