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    • Deano
      Deano reacted to mvweebles's post in the thread Fuel additives with Like Like.
      Topic is not specific to Volvos in the least. Links below to two-part article from Steve D'Antonio on fuel additives. Part 2 contains a...
    • Deano
      Deano reacted to Lepke's post in the thread Fuel additives with Like Like.
      I use Archoil AR6500. I have Detroit Diesels with injectors with many tight fitting parts, so clean fuel with good lubricity is...
    • Deano
      Deano reacted to Cargile's post in the thread Trailer Trawler with Like Like.
      Au contraire shipmate! Most trailer trawlers have less than a 9' beam. That is why they are called "trailer trawlers". I own one at 28'...
    • Deano
      Deano reacted to DavidM's post in the thread Lower priced AC Soft Start with Like Like.
      Since it sounds like your generator is marginal in starting your A/C I would first try a few no cost, low cost solutions. The two...
    • Deano
      Last November we faced a lot of flaking varnish on our Taiwan built Med Yacht. Loved the teak but there were not enough hours in our day...
    • Deano
      Deano reacted to slowgoesit's post in the thread Attempted Piracy? with Like Like.
      As some of you may be aware, Laura and I, aboard MV Muirgen are finishing up our voyage from the PNW, down the West Coast, through the...
    • Deano
      Deano reacted to Bmarler's post in the thread Scupper Worries with Like Like.
      You might attach a limiter to the scupper to keep it from opening more than 45 or 50 degrees. Either a lanyard from the bottom or a...
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