Zinc locations for Yanmar 6LY3-ETP

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Senior Member
Feb 20, 2018
United States
Vessel Make
2007 Henriques 35 Express
Just bought a Henriques 35 Express w Yanmar 6LY3-ETP 480´s

So far the only zinc i have found is one in the fore end of the heat exchanger.

Is it possible this is the only one??

I had 6LYA´s in my last boat and they had 4 ea. Checked all the usual spots and nothing that i can see.

Could only 1 be possible??


Since you had a 6LY you probably know all of the locations for the zincs on that engine. I am surprised the 6LY3 is not similar. Maybe this will help, so here are the zinc locations for the 6LY:

Two on the front end of the main heat exchanger, one on the back end.
One or sometimes no zinc on the transmission cooler
One on the aft starboard of the after cooler
One underneath the lube oil cooler which is underneath the after cooler

Hey David !
Hope you’re well.

Yes. I scoured the 6ly3. All usual spots and nothing. I located one and that’s all I see.

I’ve found just a couple of other posts and they seem to only have one as well. Manual also only speaks of one

I read somthing about the engine sitting such that the wet seals drain it. Not sure ?

All I can verify is one rt now.
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