Wooden Interior Trawler window frame removal?

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Aug 21, 2020
I'm trying to figure out how to remove the interior window frames of my 1981 Cheerman Trawler. I'm going to replace a piece of the wood veneer on the wall and it would be a lot easier if I could take the frame off.

It looks like it may be secured from the outside behind the exterior frame, but hard to tell. Has anyone ever taken these off before? I should probably save myself the grief but thought I would ask.

Thanks in advance!


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I don't have your boat but a very different boat and model.
The glass MAYay be secured from the exterior by angled strips using sealer and screws into the frame covered by plugs. Look for plugs in the tapered parts. this last glass securement is usually done from outside.

Some serious , clear close up photos will get much better responses for you to work with. Phot both sides, interior and exterior.
THe better the photos the better the advice.
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