Window seal

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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Make
Bayliner 4550 Pilothouse
Our center window forward at the lower helm/salon opens forward to let air in. *The rubber seal that was there has gotten old and a little brittle and lets a tiny drip in when it rains hard. *I would like to replace this seal asap before any damage occurs. *I tried getting a self adhesive type gasket from home depot but it did not want to stick. *:)Anyone have a good solution/recommendation?
What material are you trying to stick the weather strip on? I have the same type of window and use the adhesive weatherstrip from Home Depot. One trick is that the weatherstrip will also want to stick to the boat, so I spray a little coat of silicone spray on the mating surface. Of course the surface you stick the weatherstrip to has to be perfectly clean and dry.

One other idea... use 3M weatherstrip adhesive from the auto parts store.
i have a similar issue, the californian has sliding glass windows both sides of the salon aft, curious to hear how you solve this.
where would you put the weatherstrip? on the woodframe itself or on the glass?
Per,The window I am talking about is not a side or aft sliding glass. *See the attached pic- it is the center forward salon window that opens out via a manual slide arm that tightens down. *Thus the window, when shut, is just pulled tight against a rubber gasket but it is old and has a very small drip in the corner. *On this particular opening window, the original gasket is set into a small recessed area on the window frame which opens out. *I want to find one that I can affix to the body of the cabin around the window opening- trying to find a good solid rubber gasket material that will stick. *The one I bought simply did not want to stick but perhaps I did not clean the FB enough.


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Tony: If you, or anyone else, needs to replace that stainless rod that pushed your window out, I removed mine. The window was varnished shut when I bought the boat, and I never felt like having an opening front window, so eventually removed the hardware.
I have no leaks.
I know this is an old post but I have an issue with the same type of window. My issue is not where the frame seals to the boat but the window glass itself has a gasket where it sits in the frame. Is there a replacement gasket for these windows or how do you guys reseal the glass in the frames?
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