Willard renddezvous

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Oct 31, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Willard Nomad 30'
We gathered in Petersburg Alaska two weeks (or so) ago. There were five people. Richard Packard, Rob and Anne Hays and Eric (myself) and Christine Henning. Three boats. The Hay's 40' Lady Anne and two 30' Nomads** ..* the Puffin and the Willy. We had a people gathering on the Lady Anne where we discussed the wonders of our little boats, the adventures we've had some strange things we've noticed about eachother. Had many laughs (mostly about the latter) and then moved the party (the wine boosted the party element) to the only real resturant in Petersburg. We had wonderful dinners (mostly seafood) much more good conversation and found that it was really wonderful to meet people you've known for some time only on a computer. I was a bit disappointed we had only 3 boats but maybe thats not at all bad for the Alaska wilderness. We were in a picture in Anne's Sail Blog that was posted by Oldfishboat somewhere about 2 weeks ago. Rondy's are fun.

Eric Henning

The last time I was in Petersburg, my wife and I attended a gathering at the Sons of Norway hall. We had a delightful dinner and were entertained by some of the town's women who performed old Scandinavian dances. The atmosphere was terrific! My biggest enjoyment, however, was watching the skippers of the smaller fishing boats pulling up to the cannery and unloading. These guys would pull their boats up to the unloading docks at a very high rate of speed, shift into reverse, gun it and stop on a dime. I can still remember how inept I felt at my own single engine skills.

It's a great little town.

You could watch that fisherman for years and be envious but the envy would end about the time the fisherman's shifting linkage got crossed up** ...*** CRASH. But we need to flex a little mussel so we can do full throttle maneuvers when needed* ..* and the time will come if we do serious boating. The fishermen are a bit sluggish compared to a young sailor at the helm of a 40' Navy personnel boat.
Yes** ..* Petersburg is a gem. Almost moved there instead of Thorne Bay.

Pic is in Pburg's south hbr.

Eric Henning


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