Why I chose Inflatable Over Fiberglass

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Sep 22, 2013
So I wanted to start goin out in the water for some fishing and had 2 options. fiberglass dingy or inflatable boat. To my surprise, inflatables cost much more for good quality. But at the end of the day , i went for an inflatable boat instead.


2 biggest reason. storage and transportation. I do not have enough room in my place for a fiberglass boat so with a deflated floaty, it tucks away extremely neat in my garage.

transportation is soo easy as well. All of my fishing gear tucks away neatly in my sedan while I have me and 3 other friends sitting inside.

The challenge was if i can mount a motor to it so I do not have to paddle. problem fixed! got myself an intex seahawk 4 with mountable trolling motor. below is a picture of my setup for when i go crabbing off the shores of vancouver BC canada. enjoy =)




There is a few more pics up on my crabbing hobby site at Mr Dungeness Crabber

If links are not allowed, could a mod please remove it? if its ok with the mods, please enjoy =)
For some folks the indisrtuctible nature of an aluminum boat makes it the first choice.

Usually lighter , faster and less likely to get stolen than a plastic or condom boat.

As they can be found use , the cost is minor too!
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