When Things Go Wrong

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Great read and so on target. They are accidents. Yet, we see people jump out and curse and scream on water and land.

It reminds me of a young friend who saved up to buy a Corvette. He always protected it so and talked about pity the person who ever hit it. I said that I hoped the first accident was his fault. Well one busy afternoon, the lady in front of him had to stop to avoid a car in front of her that stopped as another car went by them and through the intersection. He buried the front of his car under the rear of the car in front of him. Well, he was under 25, huge insurance penalties if an accident or ticket. The lady was the kindest ever. Her car wasn't damaged at all, just sitting on top of his. They got enough people to sit on her hood and sit on his hood and slowly separated the cars. His damage could easily be fixed and at modest cost as well. He apologized up and down and she simply said it happens to all of us, as long as no one is hurt, we're all good. He did find me and while smiling told me I got my wish and proceeded to tell the story and say that she'd totally changed his attitude.
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