What kind of material?

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Mr. Blu

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2017
The Netherlands
Vessel Name
Mr. Blu
Vessel Make
Beneteau Swift Trawler 52
The fixing nut of the windtransducer (Raymarine) has been broken because the previous owner fastened it to tight. I asked Raymarine what kind of synthetic material the nut is made of so I can buy the right glue or welding material to fix the nut. Unfortunately Raymarine (at least the service center guy I e-mailed) doesnot have a clue.

I assume it is PP or PE.

Just buying a new nut seems not possible as it is fixed on the transducer rod (SEE PIC) so it will not possible (I think) to slip it over the rod without disassembling the total transducer. A whole new transducer is also a pricy story?

Any suggestions ?


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The fixing nut of the windtransducer (Raymarine) has been broken because the previous owner fastened it to tight. I asked Raymarine what kind of synthetic material the nut is made of so I can buy the right glue or welding material to fix the nut. Unfortunately Raymarine (at least the service center guy I e-mailed) doesnot have a clue.

I assume it is PP or PE.

Just buying a new nut seems not possible as it is fixed on the transducer rod (SEE PIC) so it will not possible (I think) to slip it over the rod without disassembling the total transducer. A whole new transducer is also a pricy story?

Any suggestions ?

I have the same problem, but I broke it accidentally did not require power. I did not succeed in gluing parts and I ended up with a black Gorilla tape to keep the parts in place works well.

I'm sure Raymarine planned part of the readily degradable and get you to buy a whole new products ...

I also have an o-ring leaked from the salty spary part of the tip and the gorilla tape keeps it out of the box and in operation.

Experimented with a few glue types on plastic and fail, without even testing the epoxy adhesive ... in a sealed tape:blush:

Thanks for your reply. Plastic glues indeed do not work; wrong material. I am looking into some kind of industrial glue but the basic material (glue gun et cetera are also expensive.

Searching the internet while waiting for replies on the forum.
I second Super Glue. If not successful, then perhaps wrap it neatly with fiberglass yarn (strip some from a piece of fiberglass cloth) or carbon fiber yarn. Then epoxy it. Then paint it black.

As a boat owner, you obviously have time on your hands to do maintenance...

Here's the glue I tried and did not work this problem.



maby this Araldit epoxy working or hot clute?

NBs and Gorilla tape​
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Use Loctite 406. It is amazing on plastics. We use it at work for certain kinds of plastics bonding. In my opinion, that's about your best hope. Keep in mind that even a perfect part broke once, so even the best glue won't be better than original. Even if it is somehow as good as original, it can obviously still break.

How expensive is this sensor? You could make up a print of a replacement part, take it to a machine shop to be made in delrin, cut in half lengthwise, and use screw together features. Make 20 and sell them on the internet!
You will not break delrin.
The sensor costs $ 430!! I find it a rather high price for just a nut.

The suggested glues (thanks guys) will not work for the low energetic plastics. I tried a few.

I found a "glue"on the internet which would do the job (welding the parts together).
3M Scotchweld DP-8005 and DP-8010 glue for PE.
I ordered the DP- 8010. I made some pictures.
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And here are some pictures.

Glued the parts together and cut the surplus with a knife after long drying

I finished the job by "painting" the glue black with a text marker.

And now hoping that the transducer can resist the "Bora" in Croatia.



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