Arctic, if the weather is nice, there is no place better to cruise.* The first time we went around we didn't see another dude boat until we got to Barkley.* Not the case anymore, but it is still a unique and uncrowded cruising ground.* After 7 times around, here is a short list of must sees.
90 feet is a bit long but God's Pocket on Hurst Island is as nice as its name suggests.* You can catch Halibut below the fish farm just to the south and east of the harbor.
Bull Harbor is a good place to stop prior to crossing Nahwitti Bar.* The holding ground is muck city, and the locals are no longer particularly friendly so don't bother rowing ashore unless you like dirty looks.* If no one is around, the walk over the ocean side is short, and it is a great beach.
Take the warnings about Nahwitti Bar seriously.* Don't cross except at slack high water (or is it slack low water?? I forget, but read the Sailing Instructions and follow them.)* There is a small harbor about 2/3 of way from Bull to Winter that is used by fishing boats in a blow.* Pretty rolly, but you can duck in there if need be. From Bull it is a long day to Winter Harbor.* If you have time to fish, do so wherever the guide boats are working - usually right around the point.* I've never found anything particularly interesting in the rest of Quatsino, but perhaps you will feel differently.*
It blows like stink around Brooks, so keep tuned to the local conditions at Solander Island to guage how hard it is blowing.* Just below Brooks Pennisula where the penninsula ends there is a beach the locals call Jacobson Beach.* You can anchor in well protected water near an old Coast Guard cutter that was wrecked years ago and walk out to the beach.* It is phenomenal.*
If you like sea otters, hang around Checleset Bay.* There are sometimes hundreds of them floating around.*
Kyoquot is nice, and you can pick up a few supplies if need be at a pretty good store there.* The first time we were there an earnest looking young Indian wearing one of the arrows through the head gags solemnly told me to be careful as there were "Indians about".* The inner harbor is tight for 90', but there is room for you there.
Motor around Nootka Island, and if you need supplies, Tahsis is ok.*
If you must, visit Hot Springs Cove.* It's a nice walk to the Hot Springs, but since they starting flying people in to visit it has become a bit of a zoo.*
Tofino is pretty, but you have to keep a careful watch as the number of crab pots is truly astounding.
Plan on spending at least a week if you can in Barkley.* Bamfield is very special on the south side, Ucluelet less interesting but worth visiting on the north.* If you tie up to the dock, stay away from the fishing boats.* They run their gensets continuously to keep the ice frozen and blow massive quantities of soot around.* You can anchor outside of Ucluelet in good holding ground and plenty of room.*
East up Barkely Sound are some of the best and most beautifly anchorages in the world.* Once inside about 5 miles the ocean swell diminishes to next to nothing.*
From Barkely, pretty much the only next stop is Sooke.* Sooke is a great place to run aground, so use the range markers.
Hope that helps...
-- Edited by Delfin on Sunday 13th of June 2010 09:02:12 PM