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Andy G

Hospitality Officer
Sep 20, 2010
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
IG 36 Quad Cabin
Just what we need. They have just discovered a new breed of the infamous Sydney Funnel web spider, generally thought to be the most dangerous spider in the world. This one is twice the size and twice as deadly, although they don't really know as no one yet has been bitten. The new guy is about the size of a man's palm.

What, with giant salt water crocs, and Taipan snakes up north, Box jelly fish and Irukandi's off the Great Barrier Reef, not to mention multiple species of sharks beyond the breakers it's a wonder anyone makes it through the day unscathed!

Andy, Is that the massive "Hemsworth",now residing at the Australian Reptile Park, producing bulk venom to make anti venene? They get spider donations from the public, interesting catching that one. Years ago my public spirited landscapers unearthed about 8 from the garden and delivered them to a collection point.
Since the anti venene was developed, no one has died of funnel web bite. But, there`s still all the other Aussie nasties to contend with, I`m even nervous swimming in the Hawkesbury.
Yes, I believe he/she has been dubbed the Hemsworth.

If I came across one of those brutes it would'nt need to bite me i think I would expire from shock alone.
Nasty!! I had enough issues swimming at Surfers Paradise a week after a shark attack. Extremely unnerving to see the shark nets. Full disclosure, I didn’t really swim. I went in up to my knees and called it quits! You didn’t even mention the damn kangaroos-a huge driving hazard.
Some years ago, didn't the PM go for a swim and was never seen again?
Some years ago, didn't the PM go for a swim and was never seen again?
Well, yes, it was Harold Holt. Rumoured potential culprits at the time were 1)a Russian submarine, and 2) a jealous husband. Probably just the surf conditions that day.
Well, yes, it was Harold Holt. Rumoured potential culprits at the time were 1)a Russian submarine, and 2) a jealous husband. Probably just the surf conditions that day.
I had to go read the wiki page on: "Disappearance of Harold Holt", I loved the quotes of Dame Zara... "He was too selfish to commit suicide."
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