Victron Verbo GX and MultiPlus

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Oct 3, 2020
Vessel Name
Mishy Jean
Vessel Make
Helmsman Trawler 38E
Victron Cerbo GX and MultiPlus

I have a Cerbo GX which shows firmware 3.12 with the newest being 3.14
I have a MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 120V inverter with firmware v478 and the newest being v508.
If I update, I will use an IPad to do so.

Here are the questions.
1) Should I update the firmware for either piece of equipment? Some of the literature on the Victron website states to do the update. In other sections, it says not to update a stable install. The 30 updates for the MultiPlus since the original install are fixing issues in some cases that may be relevant, though that isn’t clear.
2) The instructions state that the configuration settings are “retrieved” prior to the MultiPlus shutting down.

It then states that:

After the firmware update is completed, the inverter is switched on again. The settings will have been reset to their defaults. And, to prevent overcharging, all charge voltages have been set to the nominal battery voltage, being 12V, 24V or 48V. This effectively disables the charger.
Now, the inverter is powered up, configured with default settings. In case the internet was lost, it will recover which might take a while to fully reconnect all systems. Once restored, the new settings template is retrieved from the system and will be available for download in your web browser

The question I have is, where is the new configuration settings, how are they “retrieved”, and then loaded? Are they within the remote program? On the Cerbo, on the IPad? It isn’t clear at all as to the exact steps to take.

The Cerbo update looks pretty simple. The update for the MultiPlus also, other than very unclear directions on how the configuration settings are installed, which is the key part a firmware upgrade. Any help is appreciated.
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I am running 4.30 on my multiplus units and they work fine.

My thought is why update my perfectly good inverters.
I am running 4.30 on my multiplus units and they work fine.

My thought is why update my perfectly good inverters.

Here is an example as to why it might be a good idea. From the change logs

May 23, 2022
• Bug fix (similar to the bug fix in xxxx492).
It proved that (in rare cases) with firmwares xxxx495 upto xxxx496 the Multi could get ‘stuck’ in the off state.
It could not be switched on anymore neither locally nor remote. The low battery LED will be on when the unit is switched on even if the battery voltage is OK.
April 19, 2022
• Reduced audible noise in some 12V 3K Multi models.
• Reacts a bit slower to DC overvoltage.
Reason for this change is that some BMS systems disconnect the battery during charge (when a high cell voltage is detected). This resulted in DC overshoot which in its turn resulted in a switch off. By making the reaction time on DC overvoltage a bit longer most systems will continue to operate under this condition.
• Minor improvement on fan driver.
(Under certain specific conditions the fan did not start even if the average current indicated that it should. This is a minor improvement since it did not impose a real problem because the fan could still start based on internal temperature sensor.)
I would update it for just the reasons you list, but do it when you know you will have plenty of time, and can deal with a total failure. Not that a failure will happen - but just in case.

I have done this multiple times and was equally concerned and unclear about exactly what was supposed to happen. But it actually went very smoothly.

This is from memory, and I hope is accurate, but here goes....

First, you are doing all this from the VRM web site, right? Unless they have changed things, there are only two ways to update a Multi. First is through VRM which means you need to have a GX device and have it connected to VRM. Second is using one of Victron's ve.bus to USB adapters and using veconfigure software on a PC.

The VRM update process walks you through the update pretty well, but here's what to expect. Here are the directions, which are probably what you are already looking at

The key thing that's different when updating a multi or quattro is that VRM will pull the multi configuration info and put it in a file on your computer. You then need to run veconfigure to convert the file. This means you need to have veconfigure downloaded, installed, and running on a windows machine, ready to perform this file conversion. So do all that ahead of time and make sure you can launch veconfigure without any issues or errors.

Once you have converted the configuration file using veconfigure, you then go back to VRM, tell it where the converted file is located, and it will send it to the multi to restore its configuration.

The important thing is to be ready ahead of time with veconfigure, and to know you will need to move the original and converted config files between VRM and the system running veconfigure. If it's all the same machine it's easy, but if you need to move between two different system, it will be more complex.

I was feeling very unclear going into it, but in the end the process actually went very well. Also pay close attention to their warnings about making sure the GX device isn't power by the inverter. And keep in mind that the inverter will be off for a bunch of the time so at least some of the boat will be without power.
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Twisted, Thank you. This apparently means the update for the Multi needs to be completed on a windows PC. I was under the impression it could be completed on an IPad or IPhone. But, from your link the VE Configure file is a Windows based executeable.

If completed on a Windows PC, can the update be completed remotely? In other words, the boat is at a dock right behind my home. The boat has its own separate network, through a Pepwave, and uses the home network as its WAN when docked. The Victron Cerbo is logged into the boat network through WiFi. I have only accessed the VRM through my IPad/IPhone. I assume I would download the VRM app and the VE configure executable to my Windows PC, pull them both up, enter the VRM app, go through the update process, find the configuration file, click on it, and the VE Configure program will take over from there.

Do you need to be on the same network as the Multi, or is the remote program truly remote? If it is truly remote, I would probably just update from the house on the Windows PC, check it afterwards, then walk down to the boat to make sure everything is operating properly.

I am assuming the Cerbo GX firmware update does not require a configuration update, and therefore could be updated from the IPad?
I have updated mine remotely using the firmware update feature in VRM and then using remote VEConfigure to take care of the Multiplus configuration when the update finished. All done comfortably sitting in front of a Windows PC at home, didn't even need to be at the boat to do it.
I have updated mine remotely using the firmware update feature in VRM and then using remote VEConfigure to take care of the Multiplus configuration when the update finished. All done comfortably sitting in front of a Windows PC at home, didn't even need to be at the boat to do it.

Thanks. Any gotchas from your update? Do you remember where the configuration file was read to on the PC?
Helmsman: I recommend that, if you are not experiencing any of the issues in the change logs or, if the update doesn't add a feature that you want, do not upgrade the firmware on a stable system.

That said, Twistedtree is spot on with his discussion. The only thing to add is that Victron Connect is becoming the go to programming software for VE.Bus products and all of the VE.Config features are slowly being migrated to it.

You will need to use the Mk3 USB to connect to the Multi and to your computer.

I have been programming Victron Multi's for about 20 years and Victron Connect is a huge improvement.

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Twisted, Thank you. This apparently means the update for the Multi needs to be completed on a windows PC. I was under the impression it could be completed on an IPad or IPhone. But, from your link the VE Configure file is a Windows based executeable.

If completed on a Windows PC, can the update be completed remotely? In other words, the boat is at a dock right behind my home. The boat has its own separate network, through a Pepwave, and uses the home network as its WAN when docked. The Victron Cerbo is logged into the boat network through WiFi. I have only accessed the VRM through my IPad/IPhone. I assume I would download the VRM app and the VE configure executable to my Windows PC, pull them both up, enter the VRM app, go through the update process, find the configuration file, click on it, and the VE Configure program will take over from there.

Do you need to be on the same network as the Multi, or is the remote program truly remote? If it is truly remote, I would probably just update from the house on the Windows PC, check it afterwards, then walk down to the boat to make sure everything is operating properly.

I am assuming the Cerbo GX firmware update does not require a configuration update, and therefore could be updated from the IPad?

Yes, yo need a windows system. VRM is a cloud service hosted by Victron and accessed through a standard web browser. There is no app to download or run. Just navigate to VRM via a browser. log int, etc.

You probably can do it from your house. Again with a browser, you can access the GX over ethernet and get the same screens as you see on the dedicated screen. I would check that from your house to be sure you can access it. And confirm that all the network equipment needed for access is not dependent on teh multi being on. You could test by turning it off, and confirming that from the house you can access the GX, access the VRM web site, and that the VRM web site can see your boat, except of course for the multi which will be turned off.
Helmsman: I recommend that, if you are not experiencing any of the issues in the change logs or, if the update doesn't add a feature that you want, do not upgrade the firmware on a stable system.

That said, Twistedtree is spot on with his discussion. The only thing to add is that Victron Connect is becoming the go to programming software for VE.Bus products and all of the VE.Config features are slowly being migrated to it.

You will need to use the Mk3 USB to connect to the Multi and to your computer.

I have been programming Victron Multi's for about 20 years and Victron Connect is a huge improvement.


Thank you, Charlie. It doesn’t appear if you use the remote option that you need to have the MK3 USB. That is certainly a concern if that is actually the case. And by the way, I am on the fence about doing so. When you get a second, with your deep experience with it, it would be good to hear some thoughts on what could go wrong and why it is best not to. I don’t know how to tell if we are experiencing any of the symptoms.
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Yes, yo need a windows system. VRM is a cloud service hosted by Victron and accessed through a standard web browser. There is no app to download or run. Just navigate to VRM via a browser. log int, etc.

You probably can do it from your house. Again with a browser, you can access the GX over ethernet and get the same screens as you see on the dedicated screen. I would check that from your house to be sure you can access it. And confirm that all the network equipment needed for access is not dependent on teh multi being on. You could test by turning it off, and confirming that from the house you can access the GX, access the VRM web site, and that the VRM web site can see your boat, except of course for the multi which will be turned off.

Thanks. I have my Pepwave connected via a DC connection, but will check after I turn the Multi off. If you have a second, check Charlie’s post regarding the need for a USB in his post. Did you need to use one?
No need for the USB adapter if you use VEConfigure remotely via VRM. You only need the adapter to use VEConfigure directly against the Multiplus from a laptop with a cable.
No need for the USB adapter if you use VEConfigure remotely via VRM. You only need the adapter to use VEConfigure directly against the Multiplus from a laptop with a cable.

Sorry for my crappy typing. I left out an important "and". Should have read:

"I agree. I have updated with the MK3, and just using VRM."

No problem! If they didn’t allow crappy typing, I wouldn’t be allowed to post! ?
Yes, you need a windows system.

VEConfigure only runs on Windows, but runs well on a virtual Windows installation on a Mac. In fact, all of Victron's demo videos are done entirely on a Mac. Not possible on a phone or iPad though.
VEConfigure only runs on Windows, but runs well on a virtual Windows installation on a Mac. In fact, all of Victron's demo videos are done entirely on a Mac. Not possible on a phone or iPad though.

That is good to know. Thanks! I will use the Windows version if I decide to go through with it. I will be away from the boat for a few days so will wait until I get back.

They have the apps for the IPad, which is what I use to monitor the system. You apparently can initiate a firmware update from the app, though I haven't pressed the button. If it wont work, they really shouldn't have the capability within the IOS app.

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