Victron Multiplus 120/3000 settings

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Veteran Member
Jul 6, 2022
I purchased and installed a Multiplus 120/3000 on my boat to replace an older Freedom 30. The Freedom had one AC in and two AC out. That is also what I wanted out of the Victron and asked the dealer about.
The challenge I now face and asking for help with, is making the AC 2 out active even without any AC in. I need that leg hot or I have no outlets and some other wanted items to run on inverter.
I looked on the VictronConnect app for settings to change but I did not see it if it is there. Have not tried VE.Connect yet.

If there is no option to change this via settings on the software, I really don't want to spend another boat buck on a new inverter that would do this, in which case my question for that scenario would be - can I join the two AC out hot legs in one end of a suitable butt connector and on the other side a short single cable to the AC 1 out on inverter? That way both legs would be energized when on batteries only while using inverter.

And in case you need to know about the boats electrical panel, The inverter goes to a manual transfer switch on the panel and it will feed any circuits with breakers turned on, on the 120 volt side that is. So normal ops for this boat before turning the transfer switch to inverter, Turn off all circuit breakers for non essential items, main breakers off, turn the panel transfer switch from either shore power or generator to inverter.
Then main breakers on, and verify the circuits you wanted only are on. For us that would be refrigeration, lights, outlets, microwave. On the outlets we would mostly be running phone or laptop chargers, and a small fan for air circulation.

Thank you for the help!
With the Victron, one AC output is powered by the inverter, and the other is only a passthrough of input power. So no input power, no output on AC2.

How exactly was the second Freedom output used? What were there two different circuits?

Are shore and gen power 120/240V?
I just looked at the Freedom 30 manual. Was yours using both of the AC inputs, or just one? Did the AC outputs always go on or off together, or did they ever operated independently from one another?
The boat is both 120/240. Connects to 50 amp shore power.
On the freedom 30, only one AC in was used. As fas as I know both AC outs worked together based on what I could energize at circuit breaker panel.
OK, I see that "mode" of operation for the Freedom. I think you can connect the AC1 output of the Victron to both of your AC circuits. But have an electrician look it over first, especially how the switching works between inverter, shore, and gen.
VE.Connect is essential for configuring the inverter. You can run it on any PC laptop or with a Mac using bootcamp or Wine. Google can help, also there are lots of Victron FB groups...
Here is a guide I used to run configure on my mac. This was new to me, but used the guide and walked through the process without issue.

Run Configure on Mac
I purchased from PKYS, and sent them an email asking for help.
Peter, owner of PKYS, sent an email with step by step on making this work, and it did!
Using Ve.Config on a borrowed PC laptop(I use apple), I was able to make some changes in settings and now AC2 is active all the time. 😁
Thank you to Peter and PKYS for that.
And thank you all here at Trawler Foruns
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