Vantare 64 cockpit motor yacht

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Gregg Kirby

Veteran Member
Mar 24, 2023
I am looking for feedback regarding Vantare yacht build quality, ride, etc.
Thank you in advance,
Vantare often used the same Taiwan yards and designs as Ocean Alexander. Generally the designs are good and the construction quality is good. However, Vantare appears to be built at a price point below Ocean Alexander and it shows in the finish work in my opinion.
If you are looking at Cavalier, the price certainly looks attractive. I know nothing about that particular boat but the photos make the boat show well. You never really know until you get on board.
If you are looking at Cavalier, the price certainly looks attractive. I know nothing about that particular boat but the photos make the boat show well. You never really know until you get on board.
If this is the boat in question, my only comment would be, for that kind of money you could buy a boat with a pedigree (Hatteras, Viking, Ocean Alexander, etc). The problem with the Vantare is resale. You are going to have a really tough time selling it.
I am looking for feedback regarding Vantare yacht build quality, ride, etc.
Thank you in advance,
I delivered one from pdx to san francisco, they are subpar I would say ... high freeboards small rudders .... boat was constantly spinning out in following seas, although any vessel will do that really ..... if you are buying her as a live aboard and she surveys well and was maintained its possible
Disregard. Tried to delete post.
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