trawlers to go look at

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 24, 2011
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I'm in Alaska, and am cataloging a few trawlers to go look at during a upcoming trip to the PACNW.

The first is a Willard Pilothouse thats FS privately. The photos are very nice, the owner is wonder to chat with.

The second one I just found on YW. This is a 1974 Meridian Pilothouse. I was impressed with how clean the boat is.

The last two are Defever 49 Pilothouse models.

does anybody have any information on the Meridian trawlers? All I can figure out is that they were built in California.

The Meridian is a great boat and often is a great buy. I think we just had a discussion about them. If so does anyone recall where it is?
I know nothing about Meridian trawlers but the Defever Pilot House cruisers with a pair of approx 120 Hp engines would be a good live aboard cruiser.
A single of about 160 Hp would be even better.
a good friend of mine is selling his 1982 Island Gypsy, similar to a GB.

she is a 36' trawler with a single Lehmann 135 diesel.

bowthruster, LP'ed, vacuflush, the list goes on.

she is one emmaculate trawler...

my friend is very motivated, if anyone is interested please pm me directly.


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A few years back spent 2 weeks up around Prince Ruppert on a friends 1974 Meridian Pilothouse. Great boat, very study, with plenty of space. Always felt real comfortable on it and with the dependable engines never a concern about being out days from any support base. If some one is looking for a boat in that range, it would be hard to pass those up.
While we were looking for our "new trawler" we looked at both Grand Banks and Island Gypsy. Every time we talked to a broker about a listed Island Gypsy, he would say, "it isn't a Grand Banks, but is pretty nice." The IG has a lot of nice features. Be sure to look at it.

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