Dreamers, as a trawler school owner, I'm quite dismayed with your story.* I would like to assure you that not all trawler schools are alike, and indeed most of them are reputable businesses that attempt to give students as much knowledge as possible in a limited time frame.* Our school focuses on the critical skills needed to safely and comfortably operate a trawler style boat.* The fact that you had a bad experience with one should not stop you from continuing to get quality instruction and additional knowledge while you determine if this lifestyle is for you.* Knowledge of the buying process can be gained for free from any reputable broker who desires to forge a long term relationship with a client.* Doing your own research, and participating in forums such as the Trawler Forum will also help you narrow down the type of boat most suited to your needs, and costs nothing.* Getting hands on experience and quality instruction should be another goal, and it's clear that's what you were attempting.* I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but as in life, boating has it's up and downs.* You shouldn't let* one bad experience color you impression overall.* One of the best ways I know of to test out the trawler lifestyle is to actually live aboard for a week or more while getting hands on experience with running the boat.* In our school, our students drive the boat the first day, and every day there after should they desire. Our course syllabus is comprehensive, and we normally cover a chapter or two over morning coffee, and spend the day practicing the skills we just reviewed, all while you drive the boat.** (A Defever 49 RPH)We have never had a mechanical failure that prevented our completing a trip, but failures do happen.* It's all about how you prepare for and respond to those failures that matters.*
As for being aboard with a drunken captain, hindsight is always 20 /20, but I would have not hesitated to turn him in.* As a licensed Mariner with paying passengers aboard, passenger safety should be the highest concern.* The use of alcohol while underway is irresponsible and dangerous, and should not be tolerated.* If it were me, I would have turned him in immediately.* Hopefully, the Coast Guard would have pulled his license. Unfortunately, disreputable business people are everywhere, and you may have run into one, but don't give up on the dream of owning a trawler and exploring this great wet world we live in.
Hopefully, your next training experience will be far better, and you will come away with a love for this lifestyle that so many of us enjoy...........Arctic Traveller