OK TF Crew I know this has been a loooong time coming...
We have finalized the many polls, investigated / sampled a few vendors and negotiated a great deal for those that want to purchase a Trawler Forum burgee.
We have received the sample from the lower priced source and the quality looks good especially considering the price vs our original attempt.
This source supplies the AGLCA (printed) burgees and we have had good feedback regarding durability of their burgees.
The Deal is as follows...
Burgees: 12" x 18" size w/ TF Logo per the winning design
Price: $25.00 / burgee - order as many as you like
Shipping: $7.00 / order USA - International will depend on location
(Ship $ available from source via email / phone)
Timing: I provided payment "guarantee" to cover the initial order qty
Order fulfillment will begin approx 4 weeks from now
I will post an order form in the next day or so w/ contact & ordering details
EDIT: The order link is now live you can go to either of these links to order:
Burgee Shoppe - Look for the Trawler Forum link w/ our burgee - or -
The Burgee Shoppe TF Order Page directly
Note: The price shown above will be good until the initial qty has been sold or a reasonable time period has elapsed... which ever comes first.
Prices for follow-on orders will likely be higher as we anticipate order quantities will be lower so...
If you want one or more TF Burgee be sure to get in on the introductory pricing and save on shipping by ordering a couple now!
Burgees should be ready to start shipping in Feb.
The supplier has advised they will be shut down for 3 weeks in Apr - May and will not be shipping during that time. If you would like one soon be sure to get your order in and shipping will start as soon as they are ready.
Our TF Burgee has now been registered in the International Burgee Registry
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