Transpac Eagle 40

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Oct 19, 2008
We have been looking at these Trawlers along with the Pacific Trawler PT40. Any other interested owners? Looking for information and comments on these Trawlers. Maybe enough owner for an Eagle 40 heading???
I've got a Transpac Eagle40 (which btw. is for sale)
We absolutely love this boat and think it's the best 'small' big boat on the market. Reasons for thinking so are:
- large outdoor living area, with a huge cockpit, large command bridge, decent fordeck with high bulwarks walk around side decks.
- single Cummins 220hp. shaft drive with decent fuel economy @ 3 gal./hr and maintenance on only 1 engine.
- pilothouse with 2 side doors and table at the bench/watch seat.
- very comfortable salon area
- separate shower so your not showering over the*head and counters.
- large roomy forward berth with tons of storage
- easy enough to manage single handed for a 2-3 hr. cruise or as a couples boat, excellent to live aboard for weeks at a time.

If interested in learning more about these Taiwan built vessels and to see the one I have for sale, visit the compliation website I put together with lots of info and links on the Transpac Eagle at

-- Edited by Nordic32 on Thursday 15th of April 2010 03:56:45 PM
Looked at Eagle many times in Friday Harbor. Sweet boats, but exceed my boat budget. Good luck.
The Eagle 40 is a great vessel for the NW.

My boat, though custom built, has a very similar layout/floorplan to the Eagle 40. Powered by a Cummins 210 and somewhat less displacement(20000lbs), we average 1.8 gph at 7.5 knts.

I particularly like the few steps between any level on the interior.

I do covet the walk around side decks on the Eagle- our builder elected a more narrow beam of 11' so something had to go.

Sure makes a great boat for 2 with an occasional guest on the foldout couch.
After a lot of looking we found a 2001 Eagle 40 in Friday Harbour last June and made an accepted offer. There is an informal Pacific Northwest Eagle owners group with about a dozen owners including two Eagle 32's. There is a planed meeting later this summer.
Now that you've owned the Eagle40 for almost a year, what do you think of her? Good points? bad?
I know this is a loaded question, but from personal ownership, I can't find anything*I don't like about them.

Thanks, Tom
There was a dealer around here awhile back and I had a chance to really look over the 40. The one thing that did stick out and made an impression on me was the glasswork over the stringers in the cockpit lazerrette. It just looked very sloppy. I don't think it was a structural issue...just an aesthetic one. WHat do the stringers look like on y'all's boats? Maybe I was looking at an early build or something.
Baker wrote:

There was a dealer around here awhile back and I had a chance to really look over the 40. The one thing that did stick out and made an impression on me was the glasswork over the stringers in the cockpit lazerrette. It just looked very sloppy. I don't think it was a structural issue...just an aesthetic one. WHat do the stringers look like on y'all's boats? Maybe I was looking at an early build or something.
Give me a day or two to take a couple of pictures of the stringers in the cockpit of*my 1999 4016, then another hour or two to figure how to post pictures to the forum and I'll report back.

In our boat the stringer glass work is not outer skin quality but is comparable to other hand laid up hull I have looked at. Our surveyor comented that the hull and stringer constuction was "bullet proof". He was especialy pleased that the stringers were foam core with the glass itself being the strength, no wood core.* Friday Harbour Yacht* Sales was the North West dealer for many years but closed down at the time we purchsed our Eagle. The new NW dealer is Portland Yacht Sales in Portland Oregon. There is presently one 1999*Eagle 40 for sale in Victoria B.C.
dr5662 wrote:

*There is presently one 1999*Eagle 40 for sale in Victoria B.C.
She is not listed on Yacht World.* Do you have any info?

Thank you.

Baker wrote:

...*The one thing that did stick out and made an impression on me was the glasswork over the stringers in the cockpit lazerrette. It just looked very sloppy. I don't think it was a structural issue...just an aesthetic one. WHat do the stringers look like on y'all's boats? Maybe I was looking at an early build or something...
Here are a couple pictures of my Eagle40 main stringers, taken from the lazarette hatch. They look 101% to me, no lifting of fiberglass, staining or damage.

The white box in both pictures is the 6kw. gen set

-- Edited by Nordic32 on Monday 19th of April 2010 04:56:44 PM


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My stringers in the lazaret are just like Baker's, very clean not slopy at all. The gelcoat covering of the glasswork*has to be brushed on*so you don't get that mirror finish that you get out of a mould.* A lot of builder don't even gelcoat the iner hull and stringers, just leave plain fiberglass. The gelcot makes is very easy to clean and waterproofs the glass which if left oncoated can absorb water, oil and mould spores etc. Boats with gelgoated inner hulls show the builder is paying attention to the*finer details.* The PT trawler that we looked at did not have gelcoat on the iner hull nor did the 27'Grady White I had years ago. Dave
Looks great to me. Like I said, it was one boat and I think it was an early build. To be honest, it looked pretty bad...regardless of the structural just left a bad impression on me...that is all.
dr5662 wrote:

You should contact the owner, Tom Gibson, at

Dave Looy
MV Island Huntress
Eagle #4028

*My ears are ringing... feel free to contact me at info @ I'm more than willing to answer any questions on this model of boat or mine in particular if your interested.
Thanks, Tom
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