Time Zero TZiboat or Aquamaps?

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Oct 24, 2018
Vessel Name
Mischief Managed II
Vessel Make
1992 Tollycraft 44 CPMY
I have Garmin stuff on my boat. I augment it with an ipad running Navionics. Thinking about adding either Time Zero TZiboat or Aquamaps for some diversity. Which is a better investment?
I have been pleased with aquamaps for many years now. For me, the interface on the iPad is much friendlier than Navionics. The price is good too. The downside is that there are chunks of the world that aquamaps does not cover, so I had to endure Navionics for sailing in French Polynesia and Greece this year (I know, good problem to have). I am an aquamaps fan as my back up iPad nav system.
I switched from Navionics to TZ iBoat years ago. Very happy with it!
I have used AquaMap for years and like it a lot. I like that it has ActiveCaptain data and tides and currents. I also like that if you want you can get the Army Corp of Engineering surveys

It isn't much of an investment. I think I paid $10 for all USA charts and like $50 for Explorer Bahamas charts.
I use both iPad and iPhone versions of Navionics and Garmin chartplotters. It’s all I know and therefore can offer no comparison, but I am happy with its simplicity and ease of use. That said, losing the route planning functionality of Navionics’ web-based Chart Viewer is a real blow to their system. Because of that, I would choose differently if I had it to do over.
I have used AquaMap for year and like it a lot. I like that it has ActiveCaptain data and tides and currents. I also like that if you want you can get the Army Corp of Engineering surveys

It isn't much of an investment. I think I paid $10 for all USA charts and like $50 for Explorer Bahamas charts.
The Argo app has come a long way and is worth checking out.
I have Garmin stuff on my boat. I augment it with an ipad running Navionics. Thinking about adding either Time Zero TZiboat or Aquamaps for some diversity. Which is a better investment?

AquaMap has been very useful for us, and it's cheap, not really an expensive enough for us to consider it an "investment" like a plotter

We use TimeZero on a laptop, to complement our Furuno MFD. Very useful (and expensive enough to be an "investment").

We don't do iThings, but we'd have tried TZiBoat if it were available for Android devices and similarly inexpensive.

Bought a lifetime subscription to US/Canada charts on Aqua Maps and installed it on my boat ipad. Disappointed that I can't seem to do auto-routing on it like Navionics, but I love the detail, and the look and feel. I can live without the auto-routing while cruising, since my Garmin MFDs do that for me anyway, but I love it on the ipad for planning purposes. If anyone knows how to implement auto-routing on Aqua Maps, feel free to share.
I Use " Aqua Map" on the iPad and it works well. mush more detailed that Navionics and is updated almost every day. I find it very friendly to use and can support up to 5 different installations on devices, per account. That helps with lower station access and on your smart phone, if needed.
On my iPad, I just starting using TZ iboat, after using iSailor for a while. I'm liking it. Using a Dual Electronics XGPS160 as the GPS antenna for the iPad.
At the recent Annapolis Sailboat show, the Aquamap vendor told me that their product will have auto-routing in the very near future.
That's awesome, the overlay of the public files from Bob423 are super helpful in unfamiliar waters. I ran it from way up the Potomac all the way to Jax, FL. flaweless,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and better info that Navionics.
I have used Aquamaps for several years. The feature that is unique is the US Army COE soundings in dredged channels such as Swinomish Channel.
Navionics seems to work well on garmin. It’s theirs. So would put that on the MFDs and put Aquamaps on the pad. This assumes you’re in USA waters.
On the trawler ran c-maps on the MFDs and navionics on one pad with aqua on another at the pilot house but just had a MFD display on the flybridge with navionics on a phone as a backup.

Think you pick whatever works best for the MFDs which is usually what it’s prepackaged with. After that personal preference. We were mostly doing the AICW and liked Aqua for that. But also took a glance at waterway and Bob frequently. Found when C or nav or Aqua didn’t agree slow down and pay more attention.

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