Thorne Bay winds

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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Name
Arctic Traveller
Vessel Make
Defever 49 RPH
Hey Eric,* you still there?* Hopefully you have not blown away yet.* I'm tracking the weather since we depart next week, and when I checked the Lincon rock report I see you are experiencing some brisk winds...* 87K gusts!!!!!!!!!*

<table bgcolor="#f0f8fe" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><caption class="titleDataHeader">Conditions at LCNA2 as of
(8:00 am AKDT)
1600 GMT on 10/05/2010:</caption> <tbody><tr><td colspan="3" bgcolor="#ffffff"> Unit of Measure: English Metric Time Zone: Station Local TimeGreenwich Mean Time [GMT]British Summer Time [GMT+1]Eastern Greenland [GMT-1]Azores [GMT-2]Western Greenland [GMT-3]Atlantic Standard [GMT-4]US/Eastern StandardUS/Central StandardUS/Mountain StandardUS/Pacific StandardAlaska Standard [GMT-9]Hawaii-Aleutian Standard [GMT-10]Samoa Standard [GMT-11]International Date Line West [GMT-12]Western European [GMT+0]Central European [GMT+1]Eastern European [GMT+2]Moscow [GMT+3]USSR Zone 3 [GMT+4]USSR Zone 4 [GMT+5]USSR Zone 5 [GMT+6]USSR Zone 6 [GMT+7]China Coast [GMT+8]Japan Standard [GMT+9]Guam Standard [GMT+10]GMT+11International Date Line East [GMT+12]
Click on the graph icon in the table below to see a time series plot of the last five days of that observation.
</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td>Wind Direction (WDIR):</td> <td>SSE ( 160 deg true )</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td>Wind Speed (WSPD):</td> <td>61.0 kts</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td>Wind Gust (GST):</td> <td>87.0 kts</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td>Atmospheric Pressure (PRES):</td> <td>29.69 in</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td>Pressure Tendency (PTDY):</td> <td>-0.05 in ( Falling )</td></tr><tr><td></td> <td colspan="2">Combined plot of Wind Speed, Gust, and Air Pressure

</td></tr></tbody></table>.........................Arctic Traveller
You guys can keep that up there.
We have some friends at Meyers Chuck, about 12 mi east of Thorne Bay, who have seen 100 knots in winter.
I think the blows already over and it didn't amount to much. WE WERE NOT AT LINCOLN ROCK. But we had gusts probably a bit over 50. The last blow (the 1st gale of the season) was noticeably worse. Lincoln Rock seems to always be BAD. The winds in Juneau are a bit worse w the cold air screaming down off the 10 sq mi Juneau Ice Cap * *....The Taku Wind.Frequently one needs parking meters, telephone poles and parked cars to stay erect. I've got to get all my tools together to go on the grid Thursday. We go to town tomorrow. We'll hit the bank and then the saloons in that order.
Tom,'s amazing we have any trees left up here eh?

-- Edited by nomadwilly on Tuesday 5th of October 2010 06:33:23 PM


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Eric--- Is that where the wind left your boat?
Love that bow-on view of Willy.

Bow view of the Carquinez Coot, unfortunately at a higher angle.


I like boats looking like they mean business.

-- Edited by markpierce on Wednesday 6th of October 2010 02:21:48 AM
Arctic Traveller wrote:

Hey Eric,* you still there?* Hopefully you have not blown away yet.*...

Thorne Bay looks highly protected to me.*

The bow looks great , there is still time to weld in the goodies to carry the anchors outboard.

Still have to wash the chain , but the big toe stubers at least can drip the ooze back in the bay.
Yea guys I'm still here. I was going to tell you'all the wind blew the boat on the grid but figured you would'nt believe me. Thorne Bay is protected better than one would think. I've poked my bow out in the past when it's just a bit more than light breezes and holy cow look at all the white breaking seas. Miles and moles of frothing 7' seas. Don't understand why more wind dos'nt get in to town. Heavy rain and some wind today. Like your bow shot too Mark but what I really want to see is the stern. That's the end that tell what kind of boat it is. What is that red thing on your trunk cabin? I think what FF has in mind for your anchor is this:


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Mark,* love the name of your boat, I spent many years boating there.* I too think FF's idea has a lot of merit, you just have to decide which anchor to get.......Arctic Traveller
nomadwilly wrote:

...*Like your bow shot too Mark but what I really want to see is the stern. That's the end that tell what kind of boat it is. What is that red thing on your trunk cabin? I think what FF has in mind for your anchor is this:
The anchor will be held on top of the pointy end like most other boats.

That thing on the cabin is a power tool (sander?).

The Coot's*stern is flat/square unlike Willy's curves:


Thanks, Traveller. ...* It is safer if I don't reveal my anchor selection.* I'll only go so far as to say it has no moving parts.
Is any body working on the boat. All the pics and none with workers scurring around with torches and grinders.
It's a small company.* My impression is that work is done as the materials and appropriately-skilled workmen become available.* Painting the exterior won't take place until the beginning of next year.* I understand that installation of the floors is presently ongoing.
Here is a photoof *someone else's Coot showing its complete hull.

markpierce wrote:

Thanks, Traveller. ...* It is safer if I don't reveal my anchor selection.* I'll only go so far as to say it has no moving parts.
I completely understand why you don't want to open THAT can of worms!!* Actually, I found that almost any anchor works well in the bay.* Well, except perhaps for the one on a sailboat that went up on the beach near Berkeley one winter long ago.* I hiked down to have a look, and the owner was aboard sorting through what was left. I asked what happened, and he said he just got the boat, and was anchored the night before when the anchor let go in the middle of the night.* When I asked what he had for an anchor, he pulled on the anchor line to show me, and I kid you not, there was an old bicycle frame at the end........................Arctic Traveller

Mark,Is that Coot as in bird or old fart?
I see your hull lines. Thanx. It looks a lot like a Charles Neville boat or Stephen Seaton's Sluggo. Sluggo has a narrower stern looking a bit like a Krogen. Marin would love Sluggo. Your aft section is rather banana shaped. A long run aft w much more curve in it than a GB but still a fairly straight line. You have a small bit of emersed transom as do both Seaton's and Neville's boats. This is the shape I'd like to see on GBs and NTs. Coot looks like she should run at the higher end of the range of full displacement craft. Most FD hulls require too much power to run close to or at "hull speed". Your Coot should do that nicely. Ther'e are FD trawlers that will be a bit more efficient but I think we're talk'in fly stuff. I'm going to guess she has 5 to 7 hp per ton. You're going to really like that boat Mark.
nomadwilly wrote:

Is that Coot as in bird or old fart? ...
Take your pick, Eric.* Giving you a choice was*part of the*reason for naming the boat "Carquinez Coot."

... And thanks for your input.* Here is a site from the designer showing the boat's design/lines and describing its philosophy.* It also includes a theoretical speed curve.* It says the boat can achieve 9 knots at 149 horsepower, but the boat is coming with only a 85 horsepower engine, but I expect to travel mostly between 6 and 7 knots which that smaller engine should handle easily.* (Note,*my boat has a smaller pilothouse, larger saloon, smaller stern deck, different interior, and*no stern-end steering station than shown in the drawings.)

Here is the interior design for my Coot:



-- Edited by markpierce on Thursday 7th of October 2010 02:18:37 PM
Wonderful boat mark. Dos'nt look like a DD aft at all. I would make (or want to make quite a few mods) to the cabin exterior and the main salon. I'd probably go 7 knots also but with a 65 hp Isuzu and a bit more heavily loaded. I'd go w a dinette rather than the U shaped seetee. The cabin styling is pure workboat and this is a yacht *.. and the *my only criticism.Oh * ... and the 150 hp is nuts. Wish I had the money (and it's not all that much). The
Carquinez Coot will be very much at home in Alaska.
PS * * *Paint all the hand rails a dark color. See that other Coot on the crane * * ....looks way to busy w the bright rails.

-- Edited by nomadwilly on Thursday 7th of October 2010 05:43:08 PM
I'm curious since I must have passed by Thorne Bay at least 10 times on cruising ships...

I've found no public transportation to Thorne Bay.* Is private airplane or boat the only method of getting to/from the nearest*"civilization/big-city" of Ketchikan?* How do people make a living in TB?* What is its attraction?* What kind of folk live there (I'm wondering if it could be suitable for me)?

Endicott Arm:


-- Edited by markpierce on Thursday 7th of October 2010 07:01:40 PM

What a amazing boat! saw in the interior design diagram that the forward bunk is to starboard. We have the same set up. The only drawback is my wife has to crawl over me if she needs to get up in the middle of the night. Personally, I like it. Diane says it's because I teach middle school and am as mature as them. Is it possible to have an island berth set up? I know this is a minor thing but it is someting we are considering for our next boat.

37' Sedan
Datenight wrote:

*Is it possible to have an island berth set up?
I believe that's possible.* The interior*seems to be*essentially custom made*as it is*not pre-fabricated.* For instance in the saloon, you could choose to have a larger sink area or a built-in ice chest for fish instead of the desk.* However, I preferred to have available fore-cabin floor space to be concentrated, and I like the wife/GF crawling over me.

Come here via 3 float plane operators (Beavers) or ride the IFA ferry from Ketchikan to Hollis on POW Is.
Tourism, some logging and fishing. Lots of lodges and sport fishing. Education, Forest service and local gov service like running the water treatment plant ect ect.
We are retired. Go to Craig once a week (i hour away) to shop and eat out (very few choices). Costs little to live here. Lots of good roads - lots of bad roads. It looks like there's boaters here * ...ther'e isn't. Just fishermen that have and use boats. Hunting and fishing is even bigger than you would imagine. Three or 4 republicans for every democrat. Two rather weak health clinics. I pay $570 a year for moorage (37'). No covered moorage. You can get involved in everything or go in your cave. More later if you like.
I'm tempted.
Careful Eric. Make Thorne Bay sound too tempting and you'll start getting all sorts of riff-raff up there. Californians, Texans, whatever they call people from Florida, you name it.

The first thing they'll want to do is build a freeway. Doesn't have to actually go anywhere, they'll just want a freeway to drive their Priuses on.

Then they'll want at least one of every fast food chain in the country.

After that they'll start complaining about the lack of air service so they'll want a runway and terminal capable of handling at least a 777 if not larger.

Then they'll want a fancy marina. With security gates and stuff. Which means those*crummy little local boats will have to go.

Then they'll start bitching about things like the eagles that*leave fish carcasses*on their lawns, the ravens that made too much noise, and the bears that scare their kids. So they'll shoot/poison/trap and move all of them.* Nature that's*not on a TV or compuer screen or in a book scares the crap out of them so they'll lose no time in getting rid of it in the name of "community safety."

Then they'll look at the funky buildings and houses in Thorne Bay and decide they're not up to code and just don't represent the "new" Thorne Bay. So all that will have to go so it can be replaced by rectangular condo buildings.

Then they'll demand a recycling plant and make you pay for the privilege of putting your glass in container A, your paper in container B, and your plastic in container C.

Then some of them will put up a church*at*which point the rest of them*will bitch that there's a church but no mosque or synagogue. So your taxes will go up to build one of each whether there are any Muslims or Jews in your town or not.

Then they'll declare halibut, salmon, shrimp, herring,*ling cod,*and crabs to be endangered and put a moratorium on fishing for them.

Then one day you'll go out to clear a couple of trees off your property and find about 50 twenty-somethings have chained themselves to the trunks and are chanting, "Hell no, they can't go" and waving signs declaring you to be an earth-raping bigot.* You'll be a bigot because you don't believe a tree has the same rights as a white person.

Then they'll decide that it's WAY too dark at at night--- stars are scary to these people, too--- so they'll construct vast parking lots for the sole purpose of lighting them up at night to make the stars go away.

Then they'll suddenly realize they have parking lots but no malls to go with them.* So they'll build*a couple of them and the first sponsor store will be a five-acre Wal Mart.

Then they'll realize that all those little coves and neat shorelines would be far more profitable if they were privatized and developed with condos and expensive homes with big yacht docks, so they'll fill in all the wetlands and creek mouths*and restrict access to the waterfront.

And finally they'll look around and decide that they have created a SE Alaska utopia exept for one thing--- those scruffy locals who were there when they arrived.* So they will enact taxes and house codes and a bunch of other stuff that you can't afford and in the end you'll be forced to sell up and sneak out of town on Willy with your tail between your legs and all*your belongings roped down on top of the cabin.

Think it can't happen?* When's the last time you were in Seattle?

So think twice before you post photos of the place and list the nice things about it.* Instead put a surplus sub net across the entrance to the bay, lock it, and only let boats with Alaska registrations in.

They should have done that here a long time ago.* Like right after I arrived.

-- Edited by Marin on Thursday 7th of October 2010 11:29:26 PM
Marin,Won't happen. No jobs. no jobs and no jobs. Retired won't come unless you put up all that infastructure first * * * .....They won't pay for it either * *...they'll think it's their due. And you're right. We do have a bunch of scruffy locals but ther'es not much that intimidates them especially guys in slacks and tan colored light shoes. Most Seattleites view us like natives on the Congo. A curious thing to glance at while thr're fishing. The stars are great here. One can see lots of them right down on the horizon w our clear air. Yea * * ...trees have rights * *...just like cows * * grow unlit they get big. "Then they'll start bitching about things like the eagles that*leave fish carcasses*on their lawns," * * what lawns?
NAW * * * * *..........won't happen
99% of the folks down south want that infrastructure all populated areas have. I miss going to the Salmon Bay Cafe and Fisheries Supply but I really dislike the ticky tacky somewhat meaningless lifestyle. We have NO fast food, little tollerance for tree huggers,
Our garbage cans have only container A, almost no building codes and not a single stoplight on the island. And Marin * *....where do you think all these scruffy Alaskans came from? I was born here in Alaska 20 yrs before Alaska became a state but very few Alaskans were. And we are stylish. You won't fit in very well here unless you've got a dirty truck and wear scruffy brown rubber boots.

If you or anybody else wants to see lots of pictures of this area find my Face Book page and look at several hundred pictures. Eric Henning of Thorne Bay.
This discussion reminds me of the lyrics to a Bryan Bowers song from when he lived in Seattle:

View From Home
(Bryan Bowers)

Black crow sitting on a red roof, house on a hill
Old yellow truck in the driveway got some miles on her still
Out front the pavement's buckled where the roots have taken hold
To the south lies the mountain, a glory to behold

Down on the lake, countless boats are sailing
Up on the shoreline, a single figure runs
And off in the distance, the Cascades rise fiery
Burned in gold by the setting sun

Up north lies Alaska, our last true frontier
Out west lies the ocean, and Olympics so near
Back east lies madness, say what you will
Say I'm a maniac, singing on a hill

Out on the road, we tell all the turkeys
Yes it's always raining and the sun never shines
But all the natives know when the mountain lifts her skirts
The view from home will flat-out melt your mind
Marin wrote:"they'll just want a freeway to drive their Priuses on."

Man, that really hurt....

My best car ever!

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Friday 8th of October 2010 11:15:28 AM


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SeaHorse II wrote:My best car ever!
Of course you realize that your Prius has a more negative effect overall*on the environment than a Hummer
* At least the facts can be spun in such*a way to prove that.

They did a wonderful episode about this on "Boston Legal" a few years back.
nomadwilly wrote:Costs little to live here. Lots of good roads - lots of bad roads. It looks like there's boaters here * ...ther'e isn't.
That settles it,* were coming by (assuming the weather allows, but not if it's blowing 80knts) look for us in the harbor some time around the 20th thru the 22nd.* ...............Arctic Traveller 907 321 5175

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