I've had my boat listed for a little over a month now. In that time I have received countless trade offers for motorcycles, cars, and even house painting. But the one thing that always gets me is the ignorant questions. One person has responded multiple times with "Is it ready to go offshore?" What does that even mean? Her equipment and mechanical status is detailed in the advertisement. Do YOU think she's ready to go offshore, and are you daring enough to do it in a boat of this nature?
I even had one guy show up to "look" at it, and he point blank stood there and asked me "how do you drive it?" Now it would seem to me that if you do not know how to drive a boat, especially this big of a boat, why are you even asking?

When I told him it was twin screws and you can either use your gears at idle speeds, or steering wheel on plane, he looked at me a little dumbfounded and asked "so it has a fish finder?", and then asked me to take a photo of him next to the boat to prove to his wife where he was.
Of ALL the ignorant inquiries that I've received, only ONE has been reasonable, and that's only because he was older and was familiar with these boats from his childhood. I'd feel guilty for turning her over to any of these yahoo's who haven't got a clue.