Teflon use on diesel

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Senior Member
May 23, 2010
Vessel Name
Eliza 1
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Halvorsen 42 Pilothouse
Hi,Does anyone know if the yellow teflon tape can be used on diesel connection, the attached photo is from the diesel tank, from the tap it will go to the fuelfilter. I heard different stories, and if teflon can't be used, what do I need to use?


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I use a good quality pipe dope that is used/sold by the local boat yard. Some use locktite blue.
If you have to use a sealant use locktite pipe sealant in a tube. Can't remmber the number. Don't use tape at all as you have a fair chance of getting tape in the system causing all sorts of complications.

I have always used teflon tape. Never had a leak.
Leave the first 2 threads bare.
jleonard wrote:

I have always used teflon tape. Never had a leak.
Leave the first 2 threads bare.
Just double checking. You have used teflon tape on diesel fuel connections???

JohnPIf you were referring to my question as a disclaimer, it was not meant to be. It's just that Jay said he had always used teflon tape and never had a leak. He did not say specifically that he had used it on diesel connections. I am a believer in the tape myself, but never having used it on diesel, I would not have known.

I did do a google search with "teflon tape for diesel fuel" as my search words, and came up with a bunch of opinions, and the most important thing I got out of that was just what JohnP said, that you must hold back two threads from the end. Apparently, if you don't you can get little bits of tape sucked into your injectors.


"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."*

-- Edited by Carey on Sunday 20th of February 2011 12:21:49 PM
I think the yellow stuff sez right on the can its for hydrocarbons
"Just double checking. You have used teflon tape on diesel fuel connections???"

Yes. Every time.
I would post a picture here showing my teflon* on the fittings but I don't have a way on my laptop to make it small enough to fit here.
I prefer and have always used Permatex #2, the kind that doesn't get hard.
Many things work for sealing diesel lines and fittings, but the gold standard is Rector Seal #5. The closer you get to your injectors, especially if a Tier II-IV engine, the more applicable Rector seal #5.
I called Rectorseal directly and they said #7 was the one to use for diesel connections.

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