Stubborn Bolt Removal

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Senior Member
Jun 29, 2017
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The motor seems to be seized so I thought I wold remove this plug to ensure that the oil gallery was not blocked. It won't budge!!!!.
Do you think PB Blaster would work ok ? Or should I just replace the engine. I've read here in the past that it is usually cheaper to rebuild than replace ?a


  • Boat motor 2.jpg
    Boat motor 2.jpg
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PB Blaster or the like and heat. Tapping while spraying the Blaster and for a while after may help.
Looks like an engine that washed up on the beach. But I'm sure it can still be rebuilt.
Yes - the tides in at the moment, but when it ebbs I'll see what I can do. what sort of motor do you think it is ? ..... a Rocna or a Danforth maybe ?


  • Boat motor.jpg
    Boat motor.jpg
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The motor seems to be seized so I thought I wold remove this plug to ensure that the oil gallery was not blocked. It won't budge!!!!.
Do you think PB Blaster would work ok ? Or should I just replace the engine. I've read here in the past that it is usually cheaper to rebuild than replace ?a
I rebuilt a trawler that sat on the hard for 30 with no maintenance and made it run so good that I travelled the ICW from CT to FL, so I know what I'm talking about. This is what you do. You get back as far as you can from the engine and take a photo of it. The whole engine. Then you go to a marine dealer, show them the photo, and ask where you can get a new one of these thig-a-ma-jigs.
I rebuilt a trawler that sat on the hard for 30 with no maintenance and made it run so good that I travelled the ICW from CT to FL, so I know what I'm talking about. This is what you do. You get back as far as you can from the engine and take a photo of it. The whole engine. Then you go to a marine dealer, show them the photo, and ask where you can get a new one of these thig-a-ma-jigs.
Good one…
Looks like something to drag into a trade school shop! “Don’t let this happen to you!” Lol 😂
On the serious side, as a last ditch effort (steel now, ok?), i have grounded the female part and hit the end of the male offending item with a buzz box welder on maybe 90 . Lay off the coffee first, gotta hit it right on the head. Warm that sucker right up.
The motor seems to be seized so I thought I wold remove this plug to ensure that the oil gallery was not blocked. It won't budge!!!!.
Do you think PB Blaster would work ok ? Or should I just replace the engine. I've read here in the past that it is usually cheaper to rebuild than replace ?a
There is a product called Aerokriol that is far better than PB Blaster but can be hard to find. Its used in the aircraft arena to loosen corroded fasteners. Apply, go.grab a cup of coffee or linch, upon return sharply rap the head with a hammer and it should come loose. If not, repeat. That engine looks pretty rough though so you may rack up enough hours trying to loosen bad fasteners to more than pay for a reman engine - or even a "take out" motor you could then rebuild. Your time is worth something so factor that in.
The motor seems to be seized so I thought I wold remove this plug to ensure that the oil gallery was not blocked. It won't budge!!!!.
Do you think PB Blaster would work ok ? Or should I just replace the engine. I've read here in the past that it is usually cheaper to rebuild than replace ?a
Aotearoa is Maori for New Zealand. Where BeeJay comes from.
Chur bro!

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