Still looking for a fixer

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Nov 19, 2024
Wilton, C..
Generally, I've been looking for a little over 6 months now for a light fixer between 23 to 26 ft. that has a V or Direct drive (propeller and shaft under water). If I'm correct this type of boat was built in the mid 70's to the mid 80's. The only two makes of vessels I can source so far is the Trojan F25/26 and the Chris Craft 25 express. Both have the direct drives.
Is anyone aware of any other manufacturers that had direct drives in this LOA range? The reason for the length criteria is tow-ability.
What is the beam on these? Most states require oversize permits over 8’6”, a couple of states require it over 8’. Depending on the state an oversize permit can be relatively easy or a real PITA.
What is the beam on these? Most states require oversize permits over 8’6”, a couple of states require it over 8’. Depending on the state an oversize permit can be relatively easy or a real PITA.
From what I read of California law, the permit is a one time of $30 or $90 a year over 8'6". My plan was to drop the vessel in the water only a few times a year and for a month at a time. then store it during the off season on my small ranch.
I need it to be towable. Tollycraft are somewhat heavier than the Trojans and Chris Crafts. They do make a 24 which would work…thanx for the suggestion.
There is a nice looking Shamrock in the Boats for sale section.
A while back, I looked at a Trojan 25 that was for sale for $3000. A yard on the California Delta was selling it for the owner who was having health issues. I looked at it and the yard owner took me out for a spin. I loved it.
At the time my Machine Shop was really slow and I was still trying to sell my 37ft. sailboat. Back then, I knew almost nothing of what I wanted or the price of anything power boat. It sold quickly. I really kicked myself. Months later saw me at that same yard looking at a Chris craft 25 That had a hollow sounding stringer and a major rat problem and as I was walking away from it, that same yard owner told be that the couple that bought the Trojan had decided to move out of state and wanted to sell it. They have reached out to me, so we will see what they want for it. 30 years ago I had a little business in Santa Cruz as a Boat Wright. Basic repairs and evaluating boats for potential buyers. If we can agree on a price, I'll go through it with a fine tooth comb. Wish me luck.
Well...In a few days I will be the owner of the Trojan F25 that I spoke about in post #12. I did a thorough tap test throughout the interior and on the deck. Amazingly everything returned good results. Amazing for the boats age. My main concern were the stringers. They were great. My wife wasn't too thrilled as the boat was closed up and smelled really moldy. I took up all the floor boards and found the culprit...4"s of stranding water. So the boat was basically a terrarium. Upon further investigation, I found the source of the water...the boat had been turned around in its covered slip. The slip is designed to go "bow in", so the stern could not go in all the way because of the taper. That meant the boat was bow out and hanging out of its roof. The anchor hawse has no cover and rain water, over time, has accumulated inside the boat. hence the problem.


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That looks just like the CA Delta, my home - :) Pump the bilge and motor on!

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