Stabilizing an aluminium tinny

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Veteran Member
Jan 2, 2021
Vessel Make
48ft Trawler
HI Again Everyone!

As per my previous post, I have just swapped from an inflatable tender to an aluminium tinny tender.

The issue I have is that it is EXTREMELY unstable due to the weight of it being so light. Not so much when it is in use, but more when getting in and out of it.

I know I can add weight - but this is not something I want to do. The tinny is stored in a "dinghy locker" which means I need to drag it out of the water, up a ramp and stand it upright - then push it into a locker. Not something I want to do with more weight!

So... my question to you all is - do you know of any ways to stabilise the tender without adding too much more weight?

Thanks a million!

More than one way to add weight and trim the boat out at the same time.

One or more plastic water tanks or closed 5 gallon buckets allow you to add weight and jettison it before hauling out.

Are you sitting in the middle of the boat with a throttle extension? This can make a big difference as opposed to sitting in the stern.

My Trinka would be miserable without sitting in the middle and controlling the boat with the very home made throttle extension.


When you say “tinny”, are you living in Australia?

Have a look at the Kapten Boat Collars, a popular option for stability and keeping spray down, as well as extra overall weight.

I added some bolted on fenders to ours which should increase ultimate stability. I've never found it overly tippy though (and I don't think I've ever rolled it far enough for those fenders to touch the water).

If yours is anything like ours, it might feel tender as you step in and out, but actually flipping it wouldn't be particularly easy. I don't think I can put my full weight on the gunwale without someone else in it (it gets much less tender once there's a person already in it) but it's stable enough that getting in and out is generally fine once you get used to it moving as you put weight on it.
Thanks so much for the feedback everyone!!
Ever hear of Dingy Dogs?

Inflatable tubes that attach to gunwales of a hard dingy for stability. Have a set that I intended to us on a tinny of my own (Feather Craft topper); sold the boat but still have the dogs. DM me if interested.
I was going to use an aluminum dinghy and added foam collars to stabilize it.
It worked very well and was super stable on the water.

Here is my post with the details on that project:



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