Worrying is a TF byword.
If one reads enough, one would never boat if they were a worrier, if they did, their health would probably suffer.
Boating is done by many of the great unwashed...people with a fraction of the wisdom and/or experience of many TF member.
The go home every night because they don't do a lot of dangerous boating things. Those that do, rarely die but are shocked into the world that boating and NEVER having an issue is not something you get the experience for overnight or on internet forums.
I have the experience and don't do dangerous things like using substandard gear when trying to anchor in severe weather... well on the East Coast...if you pay attention just a tiny bit...you really don't have to. One can go to a marina hopefully if the possibility of severe weather is forecast.
So running around with spliced chain done correctly should hardly be a worry and also if never expected to hold in a major storm. Popup thunderstorms can occur but usually last less than what is really required to test you, your boat and its equipment. Probably millions of boaters prove that every summer. Thankfully millions probably make it to a safe harbor. Again, even when failure occur, they may result in boat damage or loss, but rarely a fatality, especially if people are prepared for that.
Please TFers, boating is simple if you keep it that way and never exceed you or your boat's limitations, if you don't..... start climbing the ladder of education and experience BEFORE you start boating in more demanding situations.