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SOLD 10/12/12 For Sale API Wiper Motors

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
May 28, 2011
For sale 3 new windshield wiper motors.* I purchased these wipers but the shaft is too small for my trawler.* The description is:* Mfg. API, Shaft 1.5", sweep 110 deg. 12-24V

They can be seen at the following Marinco website.* Just scroll to Page 7.* New $195.00 ea.

Sale $75.00 ea.

http://www.marinco.com/files/Wipers and Horns.pdf




-- Edited by ocean on Saturday 4th of June 2011 09:45:39 AM


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For sale API wiper motors


**When you say the shafts are too small, do you mean too short? *Can you tell me how long the shafts are so I can check my own boat for the application (is that the 1.5" you mentioned in the ad). *We're interested.


Key Biscayne, FL

-- Edited by healhustler on Thursday 2nd of June 2011 12:10:29 PM
re: For Sale API Wiper Motors

Yes I meant the shaft is too short. They are 1.5 inches long, as described on the marico web site
For sale API wiper motors

Thanks, Bert. I'm not able to check right now, but when I get back from a trip to the Gulf Coast, I'll get up in the pilothouse and choose a mounting area, then check for the shaft length I need. It would be a new installation and part of a general pilothouse upgrading project. *The question about the shaft length was mostly because in the photos, it does look a bit more than 1.5" to me, but also gives a good reference now to the size of the whole unit.

-- Edited by healhustler on Friday 3rd of June 2011 09:24:54 AM
re: For Sale API Wiper Motors

I measured the wipers after your last comment that the shaft looks longer than statedI think you are right 2 more photos are attached showing a tape [ruler] it depends where the measurment is taken you should be able to see that* the length varies from 2.5 t0 3 inches. I don't know where the correct measurment should be taken.

Sorry for the confusion


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re: For Sale API Wiper Motors

Hmmm, I'm glad you sent these other photos.......makes a big difference. It seems that in positioning the motors, one could just space it out a bit with a teak or star board block if one needed to. The motors themselves look nautical, and would probably be nice to simply leave exposed. Since these motors would be mounted at the top, rather than the bottom of my windshield, I can't remember how much space is there above the windshield frame. Common sense would say that any part of the shaft that turns would have to be outside. I'm guessing that means from the inside of the serrated nut to the end of the shaft because the 1.5" that they refer to as the mounting length looks like the section from the flat mounting base of the motor casing to the inside of the serrated nut. I'll be back at the boat later today.
re: For Sale API Wiper Motors

OK, Ocean: After trying to turn a template of the mounting base every way that I can, I am not able to place the unit in such a way that a contour of in my windshield frame area doesn't interfere with the shaft length. I would be able to use the 1.5" shaft if I could mount it flush, but no angle works. There is a false drop-type ceiling cover that hides the cables to overhead devices, and although I can cut some reasonable access ports so the motor can extend into that area, there is a contour above the windshield that pulls the shaft to an unusable angle. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure it out, but the only thing I can think of is to re-contour the frame in that area, perhaps weakening the frame mount. Still thinking about it, but didn't want to leave you hanging.
re: For Sale API Wiper Motors

ok np I am working on other things and I had almost forgot about the wipers
Take care
Hi These windshield wipers are still for sale They are new and are perfect for anyone building a boat or doing a retrofit
Hey ocean how far do they wipe i have a narrow windows in my wheelhouse and am unsure if they would go to far, thanks Honeybadger.
I am not sure how far the sweep is and rather than lead you astray I suggest that you check on the Mfg site
As previously stated they are new ,I have never used them.
I understand that most wipers can be adjusted for different positions
Thanks Ocean i found out everything i needed to know now i have to measure my windows and mounting area.
API wiper motors

The wiper motors are still for sale.
Open to offers
The URL we quoted is no longer valid. Go to Torresen.com and type in Part No. 35045
All reasonable offers accepted.

I may be interested and will remove the not working motor today, I think yours may fit. Are they still for sale? I need one but may want 2 so they match, could even get all three but not sure yet.
wiper motors

I may be interested and will remove the not working motor today, I think yours may fit. Are they still for sale? I need one but may want 2 so they match, could even get all three but not sure yet.
Yes the wiper motors are still for sale
Make me a reasonable offer and they are yours

Thanks for getting back to me. I did not have a chance to remove the broken motor yesterday but will do so today. I will be able the measure it then. Thanks
Rain today so i did not get to it, just wanted to follow up. Will try tomorrow but may not be possible because I have service man coming to the house.
The wiper motors I currently have are a different type. It will be easier if I match the new one to what is currently there. Thanks but I have to pass.
I PM'd an interest in buying them and never heard back.
I PM'd a offer to buy but didn't hear anything back - makes me nervous to purchase now.... is this person reliable???
I PM'd a offer to buy but didn't hear anything back - makes me nervous to purchase now.... is this person reliable???
Flakey...Not looking to buy his anymore. Have at it if you like.
wiper motors

Flakey...Not looking to buy his anymore. Have at it if you like.
Hi Top Knot and others
Sorry I have been away so didn't get to answer all of you. besides this I find the site awkward to work with.
I did respond very recently to Top Knot, hopefully he/she got my message.
I suggest rather than sending me private messages here that you email me at bmeadley@gmail.com or Ph 416 431 4493
Sorry all for any inconvenience caused
Tiara Are you still interested in the windshield wiper motors ?
Wiper motors

I am not interested because it would be best to get the exact match to what is there now. Thanks.
windshield wiper motors

The wipers are still available Any reasonable offer will be concidered
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