Solar panel wiring

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Sep 18, 2024
North Vancouver, BC Canada
I would like to install a solar panel on the upper deck but not sure how to get the wiring from the solar panel to the power panel or the engine space' Has anyone found a way to achieve that while keeping the wiring hidden..........Thanks Martin
What model do you have? On the Camano troll, there is a cable tunnel on the starboard side that runs from the fly bridge down to the helm and engine room. You can remove the vertical cover to access it
Yes, many probably most trawlers with flybridge have a chase on the starboard side that goes down to the lower helm. From there it is easy to get to the main DC panel or to the engine room.

If you have a spare breaker or empty slot you can wire the solar panel controller to that breaker and it will back feed the battery. Make sure that breaker is sized right for the wirings ampacity.


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