Small Box Heater Choice...

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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2021
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Gulfstar 49 MY
Hello All...

Wanting to make sure we have quality box heaters to replace our old school work horses. Lot of choices out there but little facts. Experience chime in please as to plan B replacements.

Thanks in advance!
I am not (nor does it appear that others are) familiar with what you call box heaters.

What Brand and Model number are your old world work horses?
What energy source provides the heat in these box heaters?
Sorry...the little (7"ish) tall ceramic heaters. We have a Pelonis Disc Furnace and a what looks like a West branded version. Working for years but they will fail at some point.
It sounds like you're talking about electric resistance heaters.

You asked for facts. The biggest fact is that electric resistance heaters are all 100% efficient. You get out exactly as much energy (in the form of heat) as you put in (in the form of electricity.) Don't believe anyone who tells you any one is more efficient than any other.

Where they differ is in form and function. First, you want one which fits wherever you plan to use it. Next, you can get units with or without fans. A fan will move the warmed air around better, but makes noise and is another component which can fail. You can also get units with more thermal mass, like oil-filled units which look like old-school steam radiators. These can reduce the cycling but take up more space. Finally, you can get "radiant" heaters which put out more energy in the IR band which then turns to heat when it hits a surface (like you) in front of the heater.

Me? I just buy whatever is cheapest at WalMart. They seem to last forever, but if they fail, no big loss. I have a bunch of them kicking around.
Sorry...the little (7"ish) tall ceramic heaters. We have a Pelonis Disc Furnace and a what looks like a West branded version. Working for years but they will fail at some point.
I use the Caframo heaters. Small, low profile, won't fall over, 3 power settings, reasonably good thermostat.
I'm with CaptTom. As I only run them when I am onboard and awake I go with the cheapest Walmart has to offer that has at least 2 heat setting, typically 900 W &1500 W. This would tend rule out the ones with ceramic heating elements, which I don't like anyway as they are usually more $.

The other feature I look for is the ability to take them apart to at the least, clean the fan.
Thanks to all...
Hello All...

Wanting to make sure we have quality box heaters to replace our old school work horses. Lot of choices out there but little facts. Experience chime in please as to plan B replacements.

Thanks in advance!
We found the oil filled radiator heaters to work very well. They do take up a bit more space... Completely silent and put out a nice even heat all around. Cat's love them too!

JO - In Jail.jpg
I use the Caframo heaters. Small, low profile, won't fall over, 3 power settings, reasonably good thermostat.

We have used an identical heater manufactured under the West Marine brand. We've had it for going on 18 years. Everyone we're recommended it too has loved it.

We love that it has a configurable thermostat, and can't tip over.
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