Sea turtles

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Oct 7, 2007
Vessel Name
Apache II
Vessel Make
1974 Donald Jones
* I tried to post an email didn't work

-- Edited by skipperdude on Friday 25th of November 2011 01:19:32 PM
Stolen eggs

This is why Sea Turtles are becoming extinct. It's not global warming. It's People in Costa rica.

I got this as an Email so I don't know if it's true.

If it is.*

I*knew I never wanted to visit Cost Rica.

We go through a kind of regulations in this country* Like TEDS

Turtle Extrusion device for fishing boats. Not sure of the acronym.

The rest of the world just rapes.





-- Edited by skipperdude on Friday 25th of November 2011 01:53:09 PM


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Why is that pathetic? Aren't those people just maximizing their profits?
Yes they are. And when no more sea turtles arrive on their beach to lay eggs they will then have to deal with the fact that they mis-managed their "company" into failure. Life's a bitch and the only way people learn is by failing.
Those pictures have been going around for a while now.
Kind of like culling elephants, so cute but starving due to over population, in South Africa. Or some wild animals here in the USA, Hunting licenses and permits are sometimes modified or issued to control animal populations. Here in Louisiana the alligator farms get their stock eggs by raiding wild nests, the number of permits issued is determined by Wild Life and Fisheries and to control overpopulation
Steve W

From Hoax-Slayer Outline
"Email that call for a stop to a supposed "attack against nature" on the beaches of Costa Rica claims that a series of attached photographs depict crowds of people digging up and stealing turtle eggs that they will later sell.

Brief Analysis
The photographs are genuine, but they do not depict the illegal poaching of turtle eggs. In fact, the egg harvest shown in the photographs is a perfectly legal and strictly controlled event that is managed by the Costa Rican government and been in operation since the 1980's. Far from being an "attack against nature", the egg harvest is an integral part of a long term conservation program that has resulted in a significant increase in the successful hatchings of Olive Ridley Turtles

Or this from another:
" As usual, the truth isnt quite as black and white as that. Indigenous peoples in many places have been harvesting turtle eggs for years & years, and its a cultural and economic way of life for them. These are most likely pictures of the legal harvest allowed at Ostional Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica.

Although the locals harvest about 3 million eggs a year, about 27 million are left in place to hatch.

Locals are only allowed to collect during the first 36 hours of a nesting arribada, and most of those nests would have been destroyed anyway by subsequent females digging nests on the same beach. (Because all species of ridley turtles nest in huge groups over a period of just a few days, this destruction by other nesting females is considered to be the biggest threat to olive ridley populations, topping all other human-induced forms of mortality. 70-80% of all ridley nests laid are destroyed by subsequent nesting females.).

or you can check out SNOPES for complete details
They are eaten! They are thought to make men more sexually active, like oysters!

Steve W
'funny, all my years growing up all over Central America I never heard of this or saw a turtle egg....'

Well, unless you spent time in local bars you probably wouldn't have. They are usually sold there as snacks with drinks to guys fortifying themselves for a night of carousing. They are served warm with hot sauce, the top of the egg is opened and a shot of sauce added, the skin is not brittle but more like a ping pong ball, the egg held to the mouth and squeezed and the inside swallowed.
I've had them a couple of times in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico and didn't like them, but then I dont like poultry eggs either.
Steve W
Steve wrote:

The photographs are genuine, but they do not depict the illegal poaching of turtle eggs.
I sort of suspected as much.* Nine times out of ten these days this sort of thing turns out to be not what it seems.* Like the big stink before the election about Obama ordering the American flag removed from his campaign plane.

Thanks for setting the record straight, Steve.
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