Safe Harbor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Another good example of a municipal marina setup is Vero Beach in Florida. They have a very nice protected mooring field and dinghy dock at a reasonable price and multiple times per hour bus service to the various parts of town. For transients and Snowbirds it's a great setup. My only complaint is shared moorings during peak occupancy times. Hopefully, SH won't get hold of it.

I'm sure its very regional, but here in south Florida, and just a sample size of one, SH's prices are competitive.

I considered keeping my boat in Fort Pierce municipal marina before deciding on Safe Harbor's Harborage Yacht Club in Stuart;

FP Marina fees:

$22.50/foot per month for longest terms available x 31' = $697.50
Electric @ $2/foot = $62
Mail? $5 per package if >9 per month
Pump out? $5 per
Dock box? $10 per

Clubhouse? Pool? Security? Dock carts provided? Fuel at cost? Transient complimentary? No.

Harborage Yacht Club:

$27.75/foot per month for 1 year lease x 31' = $860
Electric: included, unmetered
Mail: complementary
Pump out: free at fuel dock or in slip, unlimited
Dock box: included at every slip

Other amenities listed above? All included. Workers that call me when a strap on my bimini broke and it was flapping around, yep. Guy who comes by to ask me if he can take my trash away when I'm doing maintenance on the boat, yep. Golf cart ride from the clubhouse/car/wherever down to my boat? sure

Again, just a sample size of one, and just saying. Not sure I'm a "yottie upscale type" being a retired enlisted servicemember and a full time job holding working stiff. I just financially prioritize my boating, and pay for the privilege.
Don't think they did any improvements to Beaufort SC, other than raising rates.

Think you're right. We took the car through there over the last winter, looked pretty much the same as when we stayed there for a few nights back in approx 2020. And the docks seemed a bit long in the tooth, then...

Didn't notice any changes at Bahia Bleu (Thunderbolt) when we last went through thereeither, but then that was our first time at BB so dunno. Bluewater in Hampton looked original, too, but ditto first time was last trips down and back up.

One I didn't mention above that IS being improved is Zahniser's in Solomons, MD. Changing from fixed to floating docks. Looks like they're about 2/3rds of the way through that...

Here's how my five month season in western Lake Erie works out. Battery Park is part of F3 Marina. Not sure where they rank compared to Safe Harbor, but we don't get gas at cost nor free transient stays at their other marinas.

$17.70/foot per month for 5 month lease x 40' = $708
Electric: included, unmetered
Mail: never inquired
Pump out: free at fuel dock, unlimited, but no in-slip available; pump out not working until mid season
Dock box: $5 per month, but we don't have one

About one out of every five power pedestals have lights; the rest are dark. Wood docks are old and splintery; walk carefully or wear decent shoes. Dock carts are available, but worn. No complimentary car, but we drive up from Columbus in our own car and walk most everywhere anyway. Cedar Point pays a lot better, so we have had very few dock hands for the last few years.

And yes, we pay for heated indoor winter storage for the other seven months of the year.
Planning a trip to the keys this summer. Requested a stay at SH Marathon which was confirmed by the concierge team today.

So, do you have to do that 6 months in advance to be accommodated?

In this case it was ~ 6 month advance just cause I’m planning that far ahead. But I’ve been accommodated with as little as about a week in the past so I wouldn’t say there is any requirement. They either have the space when you ask or they don’t (theoretically).

I added this to the thread just as another data point. I’d also say that if anyone is trying to use transient privilege by doing any of the legwork yourself and reserving through Dockwa or dockspot or whatever; don’t. Let the concierge service handle it. Again it may be luck but I’m still batting 1.000 with my transient requests.
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