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Oct 12, 2007
Well a better term is overhead,


Here is the new look.


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The pics are too small to see detail enough to tell the difference, sorry FF.
NO the pics are the old ones , the download doesnt like BMP , will have to change .
Here is another attempt, the Mainiac roof was flat , this is created of 2x10's cut to about 6 inch depth.

The top is 3 layers of 1/4 ply glued together and nailed to the beams withg SS nails.

The overhang was "thickened" with more layers of 1/4 ply.

AS the eye can easily pick out unfairness , the edges are now covered with* 3/4 inch plastic quarter round , nailed and glued on.

Two back to back make a 1 1/2 rounded edge that GRP can be laid over.

Next step is to Epoxy a few layers of class cloth over the edges , then the entire roof will be sanded , faired a bit if needed and primed.

Top coat will be House Trailer very reflective paint to hold down the heat load.

The stuff works amazingly well , bit coverage is only 80sqft per gallon, for it to insolate properly, a FL requirement.



-- Edited by FF on Friday 25th of March 2011 10:48:11 AM


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Looks solid Fred!* Ready to put the flybridge on?

Nice work!** JohnP
"Ready to put the flybridge on?"

Perhaps the next owner will need an oxygen tent,

Someone E mailed and asked why not a longer term plastic roof , Nadiacore or even Airex.

Certainly the necessary roof penetrations are easier and less risk,


On a boat that is basically a work boat , that may go on "forever" with Fire Retardant resin and full foam flotation (can't burn , can't be sunk) the likely hood is the boat will be rebuilt many times in the next few decades.

Lobster boat , PAX boat or house boat , I assume the PH may l be removed for the next service.

So the 20+ years of GRP covered laminated ply lifetime should take care of my use , and if the next guy does "My Way" with a Sawzall, not much investment will be lost.

A rough guess is $3K for a GRP roof , under a grand for this install.

I would use boat deck paint if I thought a dining room was going on the roof , the trailer paint is fantastic at reflecting the suns rays (insolation) , but slippery to walk on , esp. when wet.
One advantage*of a*flybridge no one addresses is the fact that the structure shades the cabin roof.* Once the Summer sun gets hot we usually leave the binini up and another layer of shade is provided.* Our basically uninsulated(headliner only) overhead never gets hot or even warm, keeping the cabin comfortable.

In the Winter the flybridge is covered with a canvas and the enclosed (attic space) has the opposite effect and moderates the temperature of the air against the cabin top.

Fred, I know you don't want one but I thought I would point out one of the good points. Also agree you used the right stuff to make your cabin top.



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