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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I guess they REALLY need to test it out before adding Florida.
Interesting. I wonder what the relationship is to the Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS)? SVRS doesn't have an app that I'm aware of, but you file a float plan and check in via phone, sort of, most of the time. It took about 3 years for CBP to learn about their own system, and how to use it. The last time I used it was entering the US in Crescent City, CA. It was quite the exercise to get checked in, and ultimately sorted out my Ketchikan CBP who were the only people who answered their phone. The official published SVRS check in number goes to someone's personal vice mail. It has never been answered when I have called.
Oh, and then there is NEXUS and Global Entry. I still can't figure out entirely how they relate.
Oh, and then there is NEXUS and Global Entry. I still can't figure out entirely how they relate.

Nexus is the combination of global entry, canpass and tsa precheck. Global being for US entrance, Canpass for canada entrance and tsa precheck to simplify security check in airports for certified flyers.

Oh, and then there is NEXUS and Global Entry. I still can't figure out entirely how they relate.

I am already falling behind now we have a new one
Right, and doesn't Florida have yet another system of it's own, geared towards people going back and forth to the Bahamas?

It is called LBO - local boater option - however I believe it is just Florida's name for SVRS.
Oh, and then there is NEXUS and Global Entry. I still can't figure out entirely how they relate.

When SVRS first came out the process was to go online and apply for an SVRS number. You were assigned a temporary number and scheduled an interview. This we did for both of us. However it stated that if you had Global Entry you did not need to go for an interview, that your temporary number would automatically be activated.
I had Global Entry so we scheduled my wife's "interview" and we went along. She sat in the waiting room, they came and took her letter, and returned with everything processed. We checked on line and her number changed to begin with an R - so all good.
We kept watching as our departure day came closer and my temporary number did not change. I called our local office and they had no clue. I went on line and found an email address. I sent along my details and a cut and paste of the section on the web site that said those with Global Entry did not have to interview etc.
I got prompt response saying that the Global Entry information was incorrect and they would fix that. Which of course left me high and dry regarding SVRS.
We left and on returning I called the SVRS number giving our float plan and my wife's number and explained why mine was still temporary. The officer sad that we were OK to proceed to home port, but that he would leave the float plan open with a note of the issue. I should call the local office as soon as I got home and have them fix my number and close out the float plan.
So one one hand we were happy we did not have to go and report at Fort Pierce, but I got the impression that he was just handing off the issue.
But surprise, surprise, a ten minute call after we got home and I had my number and the float plan was closed. AND on checking the SVRS web site there was no more mention of the Global Entry interview exemption!
Just part of being an early adopter I guess!
Way back in the 80's I had a code that I could use to clear by land phone once arrived in the US. At some point Customs stoped issuing the code to new applicants but allowed those with the code to continue. Some were around 9/11 everything changed. Customs informed us we would no longer beable to use the code, we were however being rolled into the Nexus program, we would have to complete an interview and finger printing after which we would be able to clear by phone when crossing by boat. But wait! Theres more! We also got to use the nexus line with our car, making border crossing between Canada and Washington a 10 minute wait instead of 90 minutes. We also get to skip the Imigration line when returning from overseas by plane. We also get to by pass the customs line as well. Later TSA precheck was added.

Its some of the best $10 per year I spend. I'm not familuar with SVRS it sounds like a stripped down version of Nexus.
I see ROAM is now being used in Miami. SVRS is also still available.
We came back from the Bahamas yesterday, opened the app and shortly received an email giving clearance. No interaction with the CBP
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