Replacing Glassed in Seacocks

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Jun 5, 2011
So I have a 74 Litton 36 tri-cabin.

I bought this boat about a year ago, and it has had prety basic maintanance over the last few years. The seacocks are pretty corroded, and I want to replace them when I haul out in a couple of weeks.

The problem is that the bronze through huls seem to be glassed into the hull, does anyone have experience replacing these types of through-huls? I'm not sure what I need to do.
RE: Replacing glassed in seacocks

Not sure what you mean by glassed in..? Are the they bolted in? Or glassed over the base on the inside like the Taiwanese like to do it?

I just did all of mine.


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RE: Replacing glassed in seacocks

I have replaced all of mine on an 83 Albin. They usually don't want to unscrew so I just grind them off from the outside till the remains are flush with the hull, then they pull out pretty easy.

RE: Replacing glassed in seacocks

hey thanks for all the responses for a newbie!! I moved on this boat about 1.5 years ago and have spent all my time and effort rebuilding the engines. Now that they are finally running smooth I figured it is time to start learning about the other issues.

"Or glassed over the base on the inside like the Taiwanese like to do it?"

yep that one!

So if I grind them off from the outside and pull them through do I then grind the inside smooth and drill bolt holes? The glass is mounded around the base of the through-hull.
RE: Replacing glassed in seacocks

Yes, I would grind it off. The if necessary, you can lay down some 1 1/2 ounce mat /poly resin to make the area flat again before you put in the new thru hull.
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