Raymarine Autopilot Loss of Compass

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Senior Member
Sep 8, 2013
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50 ft Power Cat
I just found out (sort of the hard way) when a Raymarine ST6001 Autopilot looses its compass signal there is no warning or alarm. Needless to say the autopilot doesn't hold a course either.

This autopilot is integrated with a RL80c plotter/radar and no alarm sounded on that either. The RL80 does alarm when the GPS looses a fix. The only indication of the compass signal lose on the RL80 is the little ship icon pointing in the wrong direction. I reread the manuals and could not find info.

Lucky my problem was only a crushed wire from the compass.
Do you have a separate screen for your AP? If so that is usually where the alarm prompt for heading sensor loss would show. On the RL series a loss of GPS signal will show up on the plotter.
Do you have a separate screen for your AP? If so that is usually where the alarm prompt for heading sensor loss would show. On the RL series a loss of GPS signal will show up on the plotter.

The RL80 plotter does alarm for loss of GPS but unless there is some setting turned off, it does not alarm for loss of compass.
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