Puteri saanvi - sea ranger 36ft

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Oct 3, 2021
Good day all

I have sea ranger 36ft trawler boat. I have totally remover everything in my engine room and in process of rebuilding new engine room. My rebuild . My boat is using 2 x ford Lehman engine. If anybody have a basic layout of the engine room will be helpful for my engine room setup. Thank u guys. Also thank u for adding me in this group.
Welcome to TF. Hopefully some will come up with the sort of assistance you need. I suggest you follow up on this Welcome Mat post, by placing any specific queries you may have in the section that seems most appropriate to the nature of the advice needed, by scrolling down from the home page. The forum is divided up into a number of categories depending on whether the issue is electrical, mechanical, maintenance related, etc, etc. That way it will get better exposure and hopefully draw forth more help. :flowers:
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