Pull-Out Drawer under Capt's Seat on CHB

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Senior Member
May 9, 2008
Our 34'CHB is missing this drawer.* Previous owner had a gas heater that fit in that space and*was non-functioning.* We have gotten rid of the heater, and now there is just the empty space there.* Anyone know where I might find this roll out drawer for sale?* Is there a CHB parts place anywhere?

Have you tried the CHB owner's group?
No, but thats a good suggestion; I do belong, just haven't participated much as their format is via email versus posting a thread like this, which is more desirable in my opinion. I'll give it a go though. Thanks
Our C&L 44 also has a pull out under the helm seat. When I got the boat, it was a useless (to me) rolling liquor cabinet, with cut-outs for bottles on the lower shelf and for an ice bucket (also missing) on the upper shelf. It would roll across the floor in rolly weather.
A very early modification was to remove the lower shelf and install a big, red, multi-drawer metal tool chest. The lid had to come off, and the upper shelf of the original cabinet stayed. I have not regretted that mod. One of the small, upper cupboards aft of the table became a perfectly adequate liquor cabinet, that also holds the glassware.
That modification was simple. With basic woodworking skills, you can create whatever you wish for the space. From simply putting a door on it and some shelving, to building a rolling cabinet for your own special purpose, all you need is a plan. Make the front, whether a door or a fancy cabinet, in a style that resembles the rest of the teak cabinetry in the boat and nobody will suspect it wasn't original equipment. If you don't want to tackle it yourself, there are lots of cabinetmaking shops around that will do custom work.
koliver wrote:" When I got the boat, it was a useless (to me) rolling liquor cabinet, with cut-outs for bottles on the lower shelf and for an ice bucket ."

The PO of my boat had the same set up and took it out and installed a U-Line icemaker in its place. (Actually, it wasn't under the helm seat but rather, it was under the settee end cabinet) Now my thin screen TV sits on the cabinet with the icemaker underneath.

This is not a good picture of the icemaker but you get the idea.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Sunday 22nd of August 2010 09:44:29 AM


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Whatever you do make sure it closes really positively - if a drawer, one that has a sort of detent/cutout on the sides that sits behind a lip, so you have to lift it over to slide it out, so it does not end up across the floor in a seaway, or when some beggar in a semi-planer passes you on the plane and rocks the bejeezus out of you.......
Thank you everyone, great ideas. We had been on many CHBs before we got ours, and had seen the whole "liquor cabinet" set up, and frankly, didn't care for that at all. I have a brother-in-law who is a cabinetmaker, may just get his ideas on this.
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