The real adventurers on DOMINO were the previous owners who oversaw the design, and then the build. They got aboard her when the build was finished and cruised for basically ten years straight visiting 45 countries and crossing the Pacific three times. They will be the authority on your questions.
However, I will offer this:
The Tennant hull designs, both sail and power, were best known for their performance in sailing TO weather as was the intention with the FPBs I think. As long as the wavetops or swells have a decent interval she seems to be pretty much a joy in head seas for us. Alot of boats are decent downwind/swell and our Tennant is certainly no exception. Depending upon the rhythm of the sea, we tend to set the throttle for around 1200 rpm/11 knots and we surf, watching speed over ground go from 8-16 knots and back in a nice easy motion. In beam seas and seas quartered to beam you need to hunt around for the right speed and it is almost always a little quicker than you might think. We had a crossing in the northern Sea of Cortez with 18-22 knots on the beam and it seemed like 16-18 knots was the sweet spot.
Yours will likely be a bit different as it would appear that your metacenter is a bit higher off the water than DOMINO, perhaps a fair bit higher. Hard to predict what that will mean.
With the length and beam combination of these vessels and with the fine entry at the front of the hulls, it is hard to image a sea state that she will not be well suited for. The narrow hulls tend to result in the sea rising and falling on the hull rather than the hulls rising and falling on the sea. That really improves the motion in terms of both pitch and roll. With the bridge deck more than 10' above the waterline there is plenty of clearance to let pretty fair-sized waves pass quietly underneath.
While we have not experienced a vast range of sea conditions, we have been in conditions I would never have considered in my heavy monohull and where we have wondered whether we should venture out there and we have always felt both safe and comfortable in DOMINO. You will likely find the same though this is not a sailboat by any means.
Comfortably bashing into 6-foot head seas at speed is a strange feeling indeed. Great fun.