So I was telling my friend who is a motorcycle mechanic that my tachs were not accurate.* I planned on using the fluorescent light / tape on the flywheel method to figure out when I was taching various speeds when the timing was right.
He tells me "what the fu*& are you doing?"* I have a portable tach that you can push up onto the flywheel.*** It is an amazingly simple device, and I plan on using it to calibrate my tachs which I suspect are off by some.
And in a related question -- since the tach comes from the alternator, and since a belt drives the alternator, can a loose belt cause bad tach readings?* My thought is yes.
He tells me "what the fu*& are you doing?"* I have a portable tach that you can push up onto the flywheel.*** It is an amazingly simple device, and I plan on using it to calibrate my tachs which I suspect are off by some.
And in a related question -- since the tach comes from the alternator, and since a belt drives the alternator, can a loose belt cause bad tach readings?* My thought is yes.