Hello Eric,
I'm not sure I know the Hoveters.* But I am pretty sure I do not remember everyones name as well as I should.* I don't think ours is a one off, Clyde Ford, the author, had one just like ours.* Ours was originally owned by Jack Hochadel, the VP of Willard. Ours is unusual in that the engine is out under the cockpit floor and has a v-drive.* Plus we draw 4'11" and have a larger rudder and I think a little more ballast too.* We've only owned the boat since the end of May and are figuring things out about her.* We'll soon change the name from "Tub Toy" to "Kingfisher" with the appropriate ceremony and spirits.
I am on facebook, I'll try to find your page.* The WBO is a great resource and I have used it some.* Our boat needs some TLC and we'll be working on it to get it back in shape.* Our Albin is in excellent condition and a great boat for our first diesel cruiser.* We love your paint job.* I'm not sure how far north we'll get next summer, at least back to Desolation.* Want to work our way up to the Broughtons soon after that and maybe someday Alaska.* We'd love to fish there and cruise that area sometime.