Parts manual

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Feb 1, 2025
I am restoring an'89 OA MarkII and looking for volume 1 of the two volume parts manual. Is there some place where I can purchase this manual. I want a hard copy but would be willing to down load a version.
All parts are 36 years old and 3rd party/aftermarket. Don't worry about a parts manual, unless it is the one for the engine or the generator.
I suggest try posting to E Bay for your needs if not done already.
Although not manuals I have obtained several old, discontinued, outdated and out of production tools that way.
Be patient though. Also look to find their long term posting feature under which if someone posts what you are after they will then send a message to you of the poster. I got several items that way. So be specific offering as much into as you can.
And find that posting feature of which the label escapes me.
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Thank you all for the suggestions. I have been looking on EBay. I have volume 2 and want to complete the set by getting volume 1. I am trying to restore this vessel to its original beauty but with updates on appliances and electronics.
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