Painting ArmorAll coated surface

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Oct 31, 2007
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Willard Nomad 30'
I have an old car that was treated w ArmorAll and 8 years later water beads up on it like it was just coated. I can't imagine paint sticking to it. How can ArmorAll be completely 100% removed*** .....on a fiberglass gell coated surface. Acetone? MEK or what?
Eric try clay magic.Or body magic.You*can buy either at any auto parts store.It is all the same stuff.You can use the spray they sell with it.Or you can buy a can of glass cleaner and do the same thing.

The first thing you want to do is wash the car.For soap use something like Dawn dish soap.Do not use car wash soap.Because it has Silicone in it.The same ingredient that Armorall has.Silicone is like blood it last foreever.

After you wash the car you will need to dry it.Then what you do is spray the panel with glass cleaner.Or the special lubricant.That the parts store tried to sell you.And then take the clay magic and run it back and forth across the panel.Just like sandeing a piece of wood.You should start to see.What looks like dirt.At the end of the panel.If the clay starts to get to dirty just turn it over.If the clay starts to drag.Spray the panel aagain with the glass cleaner.

It should work.You will need to do this in the shade out of the sun.If that doesn't work.Then you will need to do the same thing.With none penetrating thinner.

Becarefull with the thinner it is* toxic Where rubber gloves.Eye protection.And a mask.If you use thinner you are going to have to repaint the panel.If you use the clay magc.You wont have to paint the panel.

If you had planned to repaint the panel.And used the thinner.Make sure you sand and wash the the panel before you paint it.Thinner will cause what is called fisheye in the paint.if it isn't completely removed.If you use clay magic.Just hose of the panel.And it will be ready for whatever you want to do to it.
Chip must be a busy man. He only has time to send me three letters and then it's an acronym that I've never heard of.

Thank you very much Maxx. I should have explained more of my situation. Want to try coating two of my small boats w the ArmorAll to act as a low performance anti foul coating. Hoping it would make it much easier to wash off the growth. I've got to work really hard to scrub off the growth as it is. Don't have time for proper anti foul. But I was afraid if I but ArmorAll on I'd never get it off. So it seems I can. So I'll put it on my small rowboat and see how it goes. Thank you again.

Any good wax will work too when the bottom is clean. Me, I'd use Starbrite PTF 1st and Megulars Canuba*second. It worked for me for years on Searay bottoms left in water for a week or two. When hauled out, scrub a bit and rewax. No reason you could not wax over Armor All if you choose to at a later date.
Sand it off and repaint.* I apply a coat if Turtle Wax*21 which is like*ArmorAll every year the the complete out side.* After 10+ months of rain it still beads and shines.****
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