Veteran Member
This is an oops to be sure but in this case the owner chose to ignore the boat and continue paying moorage for 10+ years.* Suspected cause of water in the people tank, a decade of neglect including failure to change the zincs.
The really bad part, the marina told her (owner) that the boat was sinking a year ago but she didn't believe them.* It was so bad that the marina had placed a pump on board and assigned an employee to pump it out every morning.
The marina manager said the boat was beautiful when it came into the marina 20 years ago.* Now the owner has to pay a salvage bill instead of selling it several years ago when she could have gotten a decent price for it.
The really bad part, the marina told her (owner) that the boat was sinking a year ago but she didn't believe them.* It was so bad that the marina had placed a pump on board and assigned an employee to pump it out every morning.
The marina manager said the boat was beautiful when it came into the marina 20 years ago.* Now the owner has to pay a salvage bill instead of selling it several years ago when she could have gotten a decent price for it.