Ongoing emergency on Lake Superior

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The plot thickens. The StarTribune (Minneapolis newspaper) is reporting:

The Coast Guard first reported the Michipicoten, which was carrying taconite mined on Minnesota's Iron Range, had hit something underwater.

"We are no longer confident that is what caused them to take on water," said Lt. Joe Snyder, a spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. "We can't rule that out, but we are looking at every possibility."

The first reports from the ship indicated an underwater collision, but later conversations with crew members and an initial assessment of the ship indicated the cause could be something else, Snyder said.

I'll be very interested in what they find!
That makes a lot more sense. They were in open water, and even the mythical semi submerged container I seriously doubt would hole a large ship. Our boats, yes. But a big steel ship? I doubt it.

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