?On the road again...?

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Bruce B

Jun 28, 2014
She's all loaded up!


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Safe Travels

It was nice chatting with you while you were here. Enjoy the warmer weather at home!

Gosh, that puts a lump in your throat. Hope it makes the trip OK. Very convenient that you have the Bambi as your land yacht. Very interested in how the delivery/relaunch/systems test goes at the other end. Be safe!
She's all loaded up!

Wifey B: Holding back the :cry: and trying to :)

All I can think of is the famous Nancy Sinatra song, "These Boats are Made For Water." :rofl:

Good luck with the trip across and getting into East Coast boating quickly. :D
The boat doesn't look that big until you look at the semi cab.
Where is this little darling headed?
The boat doesn't look that big until you look at the semi cab.
Where is this little darling headed?

Her real home will be in slip 303 at New England Boatworks in Portsmouth RI.
That is when she isn't out and about!
That's hysterical! I want to be one of those dancers when I grow up! :dance:

There was a major issue in Nancy's early days. That song was a huge hit so Ed Sullivan invited her to sing. One problem. She had only performed in a studio with major reverb and her voice, without that, did not have the same vibrato. Sullivan didn't allow lip syncing. Here is the Ed Sullivan show appearance. She had not been very successful until she hooked up with Lee Hazlewood as a writer, which led to this song hitting platinum.

Her real home will be in slip 303 at New England Boatworks in Portsmouth RI.

That is when she isn't out and about!


It would have made way more sense to just move to the West Coast. That boat has "cruising the inside passage" for months on end written all over it.
It would have made way more sense to just move to the West Coast. That boat has "cruising the inside passage" for months on end written all over it.

We have plans for the Intercoastal Waterway and Great Loop first.
I am guessing that she will make her way back to the Pacific Northwest again someday though...
It would have made way more sense to just move to the West Coast. That boat has "cruising the inside passage" for months on end written all over it.

Until you experience cruising the east coast you have no idea what you are missing. We lived in Portland, Oregon and did some cruising on the Columbia River, the San Juan Islands, Victoria and a trip down the coast to Long Beach, California. And yes there is nothing more beautiful than the forested mountains of the NW. The east coast has so much history to experience. So many sheltered rivers, ICW and bays that you never get weathered in. You get to cruise in great weather all year round. Summer in New England and winters in Sunny Florida and the tropical waters of the Keys. I love it here.
We were simply stunned by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
Waaaaayyyy to much grey weather for my taste but I am informed that the weather on the east coast was no better during the time we were out west.
Having just driven 13,000 miles around this country in this last trip I'd say that this country has beauty everywhere.
Yes, the east coast offers wonderful cruising opportunity for those lucky enough to be able to partake.
I just want Esmeralde here safely and as soon as possible.
I'm finding that waiting for the boat to travel across the country is more difficult than waiting for her to be built!
The NW is wonderful if you are there during the five weeks of summer. [emoji23]
We will be cruising past your marina sometime in late July or first part of August on our way to the central coast of Maine. We'll see if we can take a look at your new girl. Enjoy your first summer on her.
The NW is wonderful if you are there during the five weeks of summer. [emoji23]
We will be cruising past your marina sometime in late July or first part of August on our way to the central coast of Maine. We'll see if we can take a look at your new girl. Enjoy your first summer on her.

You will be more likely to find us in Maine than in our marina by then...
If you find us don't be shy, say hello!


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Minding my own business hauling a load of steel to Chattanooga on I65S yardstick 105 (just south of Louisville) and I believe I spotted her heading northbound. That color looked good on the pavement!
Minding my own business hauling a load of steel to Chattanooga on I65S yardstick 105 (just south of Louisville) and I believe I spotted her heading northbound. That color looked good on the pavement!

That is the coolest thing I have heard in months and months and months!!!

The world is a small place, even if this country is so large!

Bruce has been calling the trucking company almost every day for an update. We had originally been told it would be a 10-day trip, which would have had her in RI today. Unfortunately she left a day late, and had to deal with substantial road construction delays in Montana. She should be in NJ tomorrow, but she can't travel after noon tomorrow through the holiday weekend. So close, and yet so far away. She'll move again on Tuesday, and should be in RI on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. We are so disappointed that she won't make it here for the holiday, but as long as she gets here safely, we're OK with it.

Thanks for the check-in. Small things can be such a thrill! I trust she looked maaah-velous, even if a little grimy from the journey.
She looked great and first impressions, very professional operation. Driver knew his job...
What color was the hull and can I copy?
She looked great and first impressions, very professional operation. Driver knew his job...
What color was the hull and can I copy?

It is not our color, just something we like.
Cook Composite Gelcoat. 953-GT-519
Awlgrip color Seashell green H4368
Feel free!
That is the coolest thing I have heard in months and months and months!!!

The world is a small place, even if this country is so large!

Bruce has been calling the trucking company almost every day for an update. We had originally been told it would be a 10-day trip, which would have had her in RI today. Unfortunately she left a day late, and had to deal with substantial road construction delays in Montana. She should be in NJ tomorrow, but she can't travel after noon tomorrow through the holiday weekend. So close, and yet so far away. She'll move again on Tuesday, and should be in RI on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. We are so disappointed that she won't make it here for the holiday, but as long as she gets here safely, we're OK with it.

Thanks for the check-in. Small things can be such a thrill! I trust she looked maaah-velous, even if a little grimy from the journey.

Wifey B: Why didn't you guys put a tracking device on it so you could follow it along the way? I'm sure the trucking company has one on their truck, but don't share access of it with you. You could have followed it along it's journey. :)
Wifey B: Why didn't you guys put a tracking device on it so you could follow it along the way? I'm sure the trucking company has one on their truck, but don't share access of it with you. You could have followed it along it's journey. :)

We thought about a tracking device but in the end, decided not to bother. The easy solutions (things like Tile) require a cell phone w/ bluetooth, which requires a power supply. Then there are the satellite trackers, but we just didn't want to go through the expense for such a short haul, especially when we can call the trucking company any time. It would have been fun....but that's about it. Now we have the driver's cell phone number. :hello: We will be bothering him this weekend when he will be camping for +/- three days somewhere in Delaware or NJ, babysitting our boat.
Another sighting!

We got an email from a friend who lives in Kentucky. He probably knew the boat was on its way across the country, but he would have had no idea that it would be in Kentucky (we didn't even know). He was on the interstate and did a triple-take ... he saw our boat pulled over at a truck stop. It really is a very small small world.
Are we thinking that the truck will pull in sometime this afternoon?
Are we thinking that the truck will pull in sometime this afternoon?

Unfortunately no...
I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I am with this part of the entire adventure.
I called the transport company this morning to learn that the boat is sitting on the Maryland Delaware border waiting for permits.
Nobody had a good answer as to why these surveys and permits were not applied for yet.
I'm hoping that the boat will be here some time on Thursday.
It had better arrive in perfect shape!!!!
I'm fit to be tied. :mad:
Here's hoping for delivery tomorrow. ?
Do we dare ask? ?
The boat has been sitting on the Delaware/Maryland border all week.
All because the person in charge of getting permits and surveys "forgot".
Not sure when the boat will actually be delivered but the soonest is sometime next week.:mad::mad::mad:
This is a reputable company who has been in business for 80 years.
I am simply disgusted!
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